Arms race: ‘In the name of ‘defending the borders’

Dr John Mohan Razu

Israel is showing its military supremacy over Palestinians from all sides—land, air, and water.Usingits arsenals since 7th of October, 2023 against the Palestinians ruthlessly.Likewise, Russia is trying out its armories and military hardware against Ukraine; Ukraine is trying out the American and West Europeans arms and ammunition. Apart from these two wars, there are conflicts going between the government forces and opposing groups, in Sudan, Haitee, Congo, Myanmar, Manipur, Nigeria, and others as well. Warring factions and militant outfits are using equally sophisticated arms and armaments. The basic assumption that drives these countries to invest is that when attacked or to combat, the nation-states shouldequally be equipped.

We are living in the midst of wars and conflicts. As the wars and conflicts increase there is also a need for weapons. And so, every country and also warring groups needs more and more weapons matching with the might of their enemies. Over and above, as the technology develops whoever has sophisticated weapons with them, they will definitely be on an advantageous position. Competition between countries is on the rise. Catering to the countries involved in the purchase of sophisticated weapons and so arms industry of all shades and capabilities spends billions of dollars towards improvising and upgrading their arsenals. 

Arms race is gaining momentum year after year. USA is the number one country on defence spending, followed by China which is growing faster in spending. China’s defence budget has ballooned to $230 billion this year but what it actually spends could be higher than what it declares, experts say.  According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) – which tracks global military expenditure and arms trade – says that China spent $292 billion on its military in 2022. That makes its defence budget second only to that of US, which spent $876.9 billion in 2022. United States’ military budget is more than the combined budgets of the next nine countries. India is fourth on the list.

Saudi Arabia spends 7.4% of its GDP on Defence proportionately the biggest among the top 10. The fiscal, China’s military will spend more than thrice what India normally sets aside for defence. While US has the biggest defence bill, as China is also increasing its expenditure and is growing the fastest. Between 2012 and 2022, China’s average annual increase of 7.2% spent on defence, the highest among the top countries. With 5.6% annual growth rate, India is number two on this front. However, among the global top 10, Japan is the only country that saw its military budget contract during this period. Nonetheless, India’s allocation for defence is staggering, when compared its allocation to education and health.

Arms race undoubtedly leads to piling of armaments including nuclear-power missiles and also inter-continental ballistic missiles which could travel thousands of kilometers and precisely would hit the target. Almost all the countries are vying for a place in its defence procurement and standings. In the entire gamut, those corporations that are involved in the productions of arms and ammunitions benefit the most.  Those aspirants including India seem to have neglected education and health. India allocates a meagre percent from its GDP to these important sectors. This is the scenario of the world in which we live. To sustain and win wars countries are spending billions of dollars. Leaders of some countries want to decimate its enemies, but not prepared to eradicate poverty, hunger, and homelessness—a paradox. 

Our world especially the world of Homo sapiens is filled with a maze of contradictions and paradoxes.  Billions of people having no decent and quality life living in abject poverty and hunger. Several millions suffer from lack of jobs and basic amenities. Quality of life is absolutely missing among those who live in the margins. In addition to these factors, wars and conflicts have further deteriorated the scenarios both nationally and globally. We read and see hundreds and thousands of refugees, displaced, and migrants keep moving within and between countries for sustenance. Take for instance, Palestine, Sudan, Haiti, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, Argentina, and many more exiting from their domiciles due to wars and conflicts.   

Arms race between countries is on a high voltage pitch pushing every country including some countries such as Finland and Sweden switching over to NATO abandoning their earlier stance. Nuclear proliferation and securing of armaments continue without any restrictions. If this trend continues the future of the world would face more chaos and unpredictability. We do see the realignments and new configuration of empire builders who have re-grouped with some of the powerful regional players in the coming years tends to pose major concerns.  The top 10 countries that spends huge GDPs are on advantageous position who with their money power keep acquiring highly sophisticated and technologized weapons to conquer nations or annex part of its territories. Therefore, the future of our is unpredictable as we see piling up of weapon.

The role of United Nation shows a dismal failure on issues that grips the world and so many are of the opinion that UNO istoothlesstiger and thus spineless. Though the Secretary General of UN comes out periodically expressing his concerns taking up candid positions on very many mattersnothing seems to be working as the five countries—USA, Russia, China, UK, and France tend to dominate the entire UNO and its procedures as they have the power to veto any resolution. Hence, all the five countries will have to come to complete consensus in the Security Council for any resolution to be passed and implemented. A country out of five can veto the entire decision-making processes. This is what happening in Israel’s war on Gaza, wherein the United States keep vetoing immediate cease-fire efforts in Gaza at the United Nations. 

Nation-states are increasingly becoming militarized and weaponized. What sort of world are we going to give to our children and grandchildren.Future of our children should not be engulfed with missiles, grenades, atom bombs, nuclear armaments and many others, instead a world that offers them wholeness, wellness, tranquility and quality life.