Change: The unspoken need

In order for Nagas to move forward towards their aspirations; they must first begin to understand where they came from and where they are today! In order to do so, Nagas must reclaim their heritage, reclaim their stories, erase the myths that have distorted their identity and begin addressing their history in a way that embraces the richness of their cultures and one that will liberate them from the parochial systems that continues to suffocate their lives.

In essence one does not need to try and establish the truth of the claim that the Nagas have to struggle for its survival. It presents itself in so many facets of their lives which have been battered nearly out of shape. The Naga aspirations has had to struggle through institutionalized machinery, militarization and through laws that create a certain state of alienation. Yet in essence the people still find the fundamental aspects and values of their existence in the importance the Nagas attach to their collective identity and land which is at the center of all activities. 

However, the Naga history has been dehumanized and distorted to such an extent that it is no wonder that often a Naga child learns to dislike his or her own heritage in his or her school days and so negative is the image presented that the child finds solace only in closely identifying with another society. The yoke of domination often forces one to always live in the shadows of a more successful society with negativity that is channeled towards alluring and alien destinations. The divisions are now achieved by economic and material improvement of a selected few and the continuing impoverishment of the majority. It is therefore not surprising that it is indeed now very expensive to be poor in Naga society?

In the course of time statecraft too with great sophistication has been able to refine lies to an extent that we are now made to believe it is the truth. In other words, the refined lies have now acquired some form of truth. Therefore how does one peel away the lies that continue to suppress the truth? How do Nagas distinguish the perceived truth and the real truth, when the lies have now become the perceived truth? These are difficult questions that will challenge Nagas and in the process may even create rifts and differences within peoples; but a journey that nevertheless needs to be taken. Nagas need to believe there is a way of getting across to where they want to go through peaceful means.

Where do Nagas go from here? Their thoughts, behavior and institutions are made to fit into a pattern largely and often wholly determined by external forces. Hence their originality and various forms of thoughts have been dulled to the point where it takes extreme effort to act with reason even in order to follow one’s own beliefs and convictions. The imposition of alien systems has limited creativity and damaged the ability to act with will. The feelings of powerlessness as Steve Biko would say breeds a race of beggars who smile at the enemy and swears at him in the sanctity of their toilets. 

Nagas too must ask themselves whether they are serious about making change. Are Nagas prepared to free themselves from the chains of bondage that have made them stop thinking? Are Nagas willing to prove to themselves and all others that they value their dignity and well being more than the money, the wealth and the institutions that are showered upon us by those who continue to keep them in chains?

In other words the process of realizing Nagas aspirations is calling upon the people to take into account their true history and their past and be willing to accept that there indeed is a future by aiding and empowering each other in their coming into consciousness and to be participants in the making of that history!

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