Morung Express News
November 13
DIMAPUR: “Along with danger, there is also an opportunity and when one door or for that matter a window closes another door or another window opens. And, as true servants I hope you, the missionaries will look at it in that way for you are always in the palm of His hand,” said Rev. Bonny Resu, General Secretary, Asian Baptist Federation, in his message on the conclusion of the historic first ever Naga Missionary Conference, which was organized by the Nagaland Missionary Movement (NMM), held at Dimapur Ao Baptist Church from November 11-13.
Rev. Resu in his address said that the time had come for all Christian missionaries in Asia to rise up and move in a ‘holistic’ Christian approach. “The Christian power center of activity and God is active and we need to realize and reactivate our movement through rededication, recommitment and humbling ourselves winning; not by crude force nor by might but by grace”, Rev Resu told the congregation.
Rev. Resu also cited how God showed and revealed to Moses, not just in a ‘big’ way but through a small ‘burning bush” and said in the same or similar way God could show Nagas the way ahead. Rev. Resu lamented about certain pessimistic element which he said was a malady among many Christians who often count themselves as being insignificant. “That’s one massive weakness, which needs to be erased”, he said while assuring that however insignificant, God was always ready to accept us, to take us in His fold, thereby, opening new doors and windows of hope and salvation.
“Exciting and significant days are headed for the people of Nagaland” Rev. Bonny added. “We, Nagas will surge forward only when we humble ourselves to God first; forgiving and reconciling amongst us”. He also beseeched to all the Naga tribes not to make ‘tribalism’ for there is no ‘quota as such in the realm of God.
Later, Rev. Resu concluded his message quoting William Carrey’s words: “Attempt great things for God and expect great things from Him.”