KOHMA, NOV 9 (MExN): The Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) has notified to all concerned that any advertisements, be it from agencies, firms, companies, NGOs, Government departments or by individuals to be taken up within the jurisdiction of Kohima city should be erected with due permission of the KMC. This was in conformity with the powers conferred by the Municipal Act 2001, Part-IV, Chapter V, according to an official notification issued by YB Singh, Committee Officer, KMC.
The following are the terms and conditions laid down in this regard:
On Advertisements
(1) Hoardings/Billboards/Wall paintings:
A nominal annual fee of Rs 15/- per Square feet on Hoardings for Government/Commercial/Business companies/Firms/agencies and Rs 10/- per square feet for local entrepreneurs shall be levied. The site of placement shall be allotted by the KMC with the prerogative of the Council to remove or shift locations as per necessity.
(2) Banners:
A deposit of Rs 100/- as per security shall be realized for putting up a banner at Rs 5 per day. The banner should be removed within 2 days of the stipulated date for which the payment was made failing which the security deposit shall be forfeited.
(3) Bills and Posters:
Sticking of bills and posters shall not be allowed within Kohima limit unless a special permit as been granted on extraordinary justification.
All the concerned has been requested to obtain permits from Nore Sale, Office Secretary, KMC. The notifications also added that advertisements which are in existence but without permit have been notified to immediately obtain the same on or before November 30 failing which action would be initiated.