Mao Baptist Church observes Drivers’ Day

KOHIMA, APRIL 21 (MExN): Mao Baptist Church, Kohima (MBCK) celebrated the 1st Drivers’ Day for drivers hailing from Mao community and residing in and around Kohima. 

At the service, Deacon Chairman, Ashikho Daili read out the church declaration, where the 3rd Sunday of every April has been declared as the Drivers’ Day, a press release issued by the MBCK informed. Daili said the significance on why the Church felt a need to dedicate a day for the drivers was to help them come closer to God and enrich their spiritual well being; help in improving their church attendance and build relationship with God and with the society; improving hygiene and leading a clean peaceful life without alcohol and other substance. More importantly, to be responsible drivers and make the profession respectable.

Pastor, K Robvii along with the Deacon Board led a special prayer for the Drivers. Special songs were performed by Karini Karang, Lohrii Soruna and a guitar musical was performed by Vezew Lokho.

The Pastor in his message appreciated and recognised the drivers for their service and emphasized on four key areas- alcoholism and driving, discipline while on duty, mental alertness and a driver’s mission on the road. 

He also emphasized that the Drivers’ Day at MBCK serves as an opportunity to appreciate drivers for their service and also to impart valuable insights and guidance to enhance their professionalism, promote safer driving practices and also build relationship with God. The service ended with a prayer and feast for the drivers’ community.