Media To Help Solve the Middle East Conflict!

As if the United Nations and its Security Council had not spent more than 60 years debating solutions and adopting resolutions–all if them capable of solving the Middle East conflict for good, now the UN asks the media to help set up peace in the region, alleging that politicians cannot create peace by themselves! In fact, just one week before the opening of the 66th session the UN General Assembly, during which the Palestinian Authority is expected to call the international community to formally recognise a Palestinian State, the UN Communications chief called on all “those involved in traditional and social media to explore how they can help foster a climate conducive to peace in the Middle East.” “It is important to remember that peace is not something that politicians alone can create. Journalists and artists have a critical role,” said Kiyo Akasaka, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information.

The Usual UN Rhetoric
In his closing remarks to the International Media Seminar on Middle East Peace, which ended on September 13th in Budapest, Akasaka said he hoped the participants at the two-day meeting will “consider further how obstacles to a permanent agreement between Israelis and Palestinians can be overcome through their work.”
The seminar, organised by the UN Department of Public Information, brought together scholars, activists, journalists, writers, theatre producers, musicians and bloggers for a dialogue aimed at “enhancing understanding between peoples and achieving a just and lasting peace based on a two-State solution.” This year’s event took account of the dramatic changes in the political landscape in the region. Akasaka emphasised that this year’s gathering was very important “because of the ongoing stalemate in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.”…

“We Need A Push”, Says UN
“We need a push. We need negotiations to be started. This sort of seminar, I hope, will be helpful in producing the atmosphere conducive for re-opening negotiations,” he stated in an interview with UN Radio. He added that the event was also significant in light of the ‘Arab Spring’ – the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and pro-democracy movements taking place elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa – and its implications for the peace process. “There was, some pointed out, a very strong view that democracy was only found in the State of Israel. But now that the democratisation is in the making in many Arab countries, the perception of the world about the Arab people and the Arab world may significantly change,” he noted, adding that this could have positive repercussions for Palestine.

International Day of Peace And The UN Rhetoric
Two days later, UN secretary-general talked about this year’s 30th anniversary of the International Day, which falls on September 21th. Ban Ki-moon stressed that “democracy is a core value of the UN, noting that it is crucial for human rights, provides channels for resolving differences, and gives hope to the marginalised and power to the people.” “But democracy does not just happen; it has to be nurtured and defended,” he said in a message to mark the Day. “ The world needs you to speak out – for social justice and freedom of the press, for a clean environment and women’s empowerment, for the rule of law and the right to a say in one’s own future.”

More UN Rhetoric: Peace Bill,
Champions of Democracy, etc.

Ban said it has been a remarkable year for people seeking a say in shaping their societies and futures.  “Men and women across the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere have sought their democratic rights with remarkable fervour and creativity – and with remarkable success,” he stated before ringing the Peace Bell on September 15th. “When people take part in the democratic process, when they become engaged, they build peace, day by day, year by year… On this day, I urge all champions of democracy and peace throughout the world to make your voices heard. The United Nations stands with you.” Isn’t it about time that the UN and its Security Council do something that is not just declaring wars, as a way to justify their dangerous, deliberate usefulness when it comes to establishing peace? Maybe by just implementing their own resolutions for the Middle East?.
Source: Human Wrongs Watch