Mind You dear leaders and administrators

You know what? ... I am ashamed of you. In fact, you make me laugh in disbelief most of the time. It's just flabbergasting how you are such hypocrites and you still believe yourselves so righteous! The extents of dishonesty, deception and underhanded ways to which you go to and yet think so highly of yourselves leave me at a loss for words. Oh and I am not alone in this state of perplexity. And oohooh!! Let's not forget... your rather indiscreet immoral indulgences. I'm not saying I'm perfect nor sin-less. I'm just saying I don't go around parading my obvious lack of morals disguised as false humility and kindness and selflessness and all things white and fluffy.
Seriously though, I don't understand how you continue to believe yourselves godly and pious. It's not so much about you being a bad specimen of a good human being as it is about you insisting that you are *ting!* oh-so-good-and-pure when in fact it's plain to see that you are far from angelic or humanitarian in the least. Or maybe you're just delusional. That would be tragically sad. Or maybe(!) you don't really believe in God and divine judgement (let alone legal judgement) and you only act like you do for the sake of social image, and, ofcourse, popular vote. Whichever it is, you're quite messed up. But if I were to put it in plain simple english for you to comprehend (that means 'to understand') what I am going on about, I would say- You're a right bunch of prideful, arrogant, corrupt, selfish, short-sighted, ignorant, uneducated and narrow-minded. Here, the usage of "uneducated" would bring semantics to play. If you were "educated" you would know what I meant without me having to explain it to you.  
What you believe as respect from people is only just fear. Who can blame them! You have money and hence, power. Although it would be a refreshing change to see people stand up against your blatant corruption (I use the word "corruption" in its basic essence, not just regarding money). Instead, everyone just gives in to it. "Can't fight 'em, join 'em" seems to be the ordinary way of life here in our Motherland. So much for Christian values. You know what, it's not even about "Christian" values, the raw issue. It's just about... values! Principle! Right (as opposed to injustice and wrongdoing)! Integrity!
I am disheartened by my fellow Nagas most of the time. Hardly anyone seems to have any guts any more. No guts to stand up against corrupt practices, none to condemn immoral behaviour, and none at all to stand up against people who are allegedly fighting for our "freedom" while going about killing and forcibly taxing the people they are so honourably fighting for.
But, back to you. What do you take us for? A bunch of fools?? Corruption, graft, bribery, revenge, deception, fornication, extra marital affairs, stealing and looting (a nice way of describing the act of keeping all State developmental and welfare money for oneself and denying the rightful usage of such funds), and audacity to flash around your wealth in the face of growing needs of the Naga people. Is my language too strong for your very "Christ-like" sensibilities? (And in case you didn't catch my drift, that was sarcasm).
On one hand, you probably would be reading this not realising I am writing to you. Hello there :)That is called a) arrogance, b) ignorance and c) daftness. On the other hand, you probably might not be reading this at all! Yay for our "trusted" "wise" "well-learned" "well-informed" "compassionate" leaders and administrators of all kinds! :) In that case, I hope someone brings this to your notice.
Oh and if you want to find out who I am so that you can reprimand and blacklist me for this bit of bitter truth (judgement and eternal consequence I leave to God; I am afraid I have no such powers, being but a mere voice of "I've-had-enough-of-this-injustice-and-iniquity"), you should start looking in Nagaland, because I am obviously Naga and obviously very unhappy about the state of affairs in my homeland. I am that boy/girl/man/woman/child whose trust you have betrayed. I go by many names. But I'm popularly known as "many of the young Naga people". You might not find that in the census records though.
Ofcourse I'm not saying ALL our leaders and administrators have gone the poo way. There are some out there who are truly respectable, honest and wise people of integrity. A nursery student after his/her first month of school could probably count the number of such honourable men and women. But I can no more name them than I can name you, our poopy leaders and administrators. I must maintain some decorum after all, seeing as you definitely don't seem to have much manners nor maturity. No foresight either *tsk!*. Anyway! Enough said for this time.  
To take advantage of the current hype, I say to you (yes, you dear leaders and administrators) "Anna rascala! Mind it!"

Diphupar B, Dimapur