My Tryst with Freedom of Speech and Expression

It is said that we are today living in the age of democracy and I have always considered myself lucky and fortunate to be living in this age of democracy. As Nagas, our connection with democracy and democratic traditions indeed dates back to many centuries before. This undeniable fact had been recorded in writing and has been passed on to us by some foreign observers / writers who happened to set foot upon our land years ago. In their records and writings, they had mentioned that the Nagas live in the purest form of democracy where everybody is treated equally and where nobody dominates over the other. In these records and writings, it is also found that the Naga society had never been divided by any type of social classification, be it class, caste, race etc.
Even for those Nagas who do not mind calling themselves Indian citizens and are vigorously pursuing their life’s ambitions under the Indian flag, their connection with democracy and democratic set-up is there to be seen by one and all. This is so because India is said to be the biggest democratic country in the world. Thus, these Nagas are also undoubtedly proud citizens of the biggest democracy in the world.  
One of the biggest and greatest blessings that a democratic set-up offers to its citizens is the right to freedom of speech and expression. Through this right or freedom, an individual is permitted to express his or her thoughts and ideas without fear or any sort of restrictions from any quarters as long as certain sense of decency is maintained.  
Therefore, fully aware of these provisions available under a democratic set-up and also my personal connections with democracy and democratic traditions as a Naga, I have also been contributing some articles and write-ups to the press for publication since January 2011. Here, my sincere gratitude and appreciation go out to the editor and the entire staff of the Morung Express for publishing all my articles and write-ups which I have submitted to its office till date. Some of my well-wishers have asked me why I do not submit my articles and write-ups to the other press agencies. I do not do so because I do not think it is necessary as long as my write-ups are published in the Morung Express. This is so because the Morung Express happens to be my favorite daily and it is also circulated through out the length and breadth of Nagaland and even outside.        
This journey of writing and publishing write-ups and articles which I have had since January this year has been an unbelievable one. I have received some most encouraging comments and feedbacks from persons whom I had never even known in my entire life. In the month of June, I received a call from a respected person who resides in Mission Compound, Kohima. He called me because he wanted me to attend a writers’ conference about to be held at the UBC church in Kohima. When I heard about this, I was flattered and completely out of words. This was so because in all these times, I had never even considered myself a writer. It‘s just that I love penning down my thoughts and ideas on paper.    
Indeed it may surprise many to know that many of my write-ups and articles published this year in the Morung were not even written this year. Many of these write-ups and articles had been written more than 10 – 12 years ago when I was still in college or doing my post graduation in Delhi. But I never thought I would publish them. It was only in December 2010 that I decided to publish them in the coming year i.e. 2011.  
A Naga student presently studying in Mumbai also happened to come across an article of mine in the Morung website some months ago. And she was so impressed with it that she was appreciative enough to call me and chat with me for a few precious minutes. The first question I asked her was how she managed to get my phone number. This incident also completely flattered me because I never even thought that people studying or living in a metropolitan like Mumbai would be reading what I had written here in Kohima.   
Some months ago an article of mine entitled ‘Reflected Glories of Nagaland’ was published by the Morung Express. I had written this article in admiration and as a tribute to Late Dr. A.Z. Phizo. A few weeks after the publication of this article I was also deeply touched and moved when one of Phizo’s sons called me and chatted with me.
Here, I would also like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my uncle Mhabemo Ezung for apprising me with some most constructive feedbacks and encouragements.    
Along with these encouragements mentioned above, I also received some very unexpected, uncalled for, unreasonable and irritating comments from a few people. I would not like to mention the names of these people and I would also not like to directly counteract them. However, based on some of these unexpected and uncalled for feedbacks and comments I received from them, I would certainly like to pen down a few of my thoughts and ideas.
Firstly, I would like to mention that all the views, opinions, thoughts and ideas expressed in my write-ups and articles are my own and I do not write on behalf of anybody, group, association, family or clan. As such, I believe nobody has the right to tell me what to write and what not to write since I am only expressing my own thoughts and ideas on my own behalf and not on anybody else’s behalf. This is so because under a democratic set-up a person has the full freedom and liberty to comment on any issue that interests or concerns him. Similarly, as I am only expressing my thoughts and ideas in my write-ups and nobody else’s, I also do not need to get the approval of anybody on my write-ups before I take it to the press for publication.
Secondly, since all my write-ups and articles are and would be accredited with my name, I am the sole person who is to be held accountable for anything and everything that is contained in my write-ups and articles. I am always prepared for any such eventuality. I am also aware that some of my thoughts and ideas expressed in some of my write-ups may be too radical for public acceptance and consumption. But I have always written with a clear conscience, a clear mind and a clear attitude and I really mean every word and every letter that is mentioned in my write-ups. Moreover, if someone would want to argue that my thoughts and ideas or views and opinions are too radical, I would say that there would be not much point for me to write down and publish my thoughts and ideas if I do not have anything different to offer. Writing down and publishing my thoughts and ideas make much more sense and meaning to me only because I think differently from many people. If I think in the same manner as other people think, I believe it would be a total waste for me to continue writing down and publishing my thoughts, ideas, views and opinions. But I write because I have something different to offer and convey.    
Thirdly, when I pen down my thoughts and ideas on paper, I certainly do not expect all the readers to agree with me. Some may agree and many may not agree. But I certainly do not mind this because it is all part of the game.    
Fourthly, let me also mention here that I have had the opportunity to interact with some people who are working full time in the press agencies. From them I have learnt that the dailies (whether local, national or international) receive a large number of write-ups and articles from the public everyday. Upon receiving these write-ups and articles from the public, these are all thoroughly read and examined by the people working in the press agencies to determine whether the write-ups are fit for publication or not. This means that all the write-ups and articles published in the newspapers are published because they are considered fit for publication. Therefore, if my write-ups and articles are considered fit for publication by the press, I believe nobody has the right to question me why I wrote and took any of my write-ups to the press for publication.