Nagaland’s geological wealth highlighted

Sano Meru
November 9

KOHIMA, (MExN): The Department of Geology, Nagaland University, Kohima organized a National Seminar on “Geology and Energy Resources of NE India: Progress and Perspectives” as well as  its Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of India at the auditorium of the Kohima Science College, Jotsoma. 

Many renowned earth scientists from all over the country came to attend the workshop apart from students and faculty members of the Nagaland University.

Dr H.K Gupta, Vice President, Geological Society of India, addressed the august gathering in which he stated that since its 47 years of existence, the Geological Society has been growing  from strength to strength. 

The Geological Society he said, publishes monthly issues addressing specific issues as well as regional geology which is among the world’s most respected journal. Stressing on this, he recommended bringing out a book of such kind comprising of all the aspects of geology encompassing North East India.  

He also highlighted some interesting features of the North East where he stated that the first oil discovery in India was made in this region more than 100 years ago. 

Reinforcing this, he said that much more was needed in this present age on the prospects for oil, platinum resources, geothermal energy, hydro electric potential etc.

Shyamal Datta, Governor and Chief Rector of the Nagaland University delivered the inaugural addressed in which he stressed the need to maintain the balance between the economy and social development of the state, Nagaland being bound more towards security majors rather than development due to its unavoidable political scenario. 

He also emphasized the importance of dialogue on the part of the earth scientist to help change the mindset of the people arising out of fear and uncertainty and help them understand the importance of exploring the natural resources for a better tomorrow. Professor R.P Kachhara, Advisor, gave a brief profile of the Department. NU Vice Chancellor Professor GD Sharma and ONGC Basin Manager Sahasrabuddhe also addressed the gathering. 

The welcome address was delivered by Professor GT Thong, Convenor, while the vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. BV Rao, Co-convener. Earlier, Reverend Dr. Neilezhü Üsou, Senior Pastor, MHBC prayed before the programme started. It may be added that the entire Geological society of India comprises of 2000 members.

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