DIMAPUR, NOV 9 (MExN): The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) has expressed appreciation to Minister Dr T.M Lotha for what it termed as the ‘bold initiatives’ to strengthen the liquor prohibition law following the creation of more posts in the Excise department.
“Ever since the enactment of this law the Church has been insisting the State Government to enhance the implementation of the law by providing sufficient personnel’s, infrastructures and facilities to the department”, stated Rev. L. Kari Longchar, Convenor, NBCC Prohibition Committee.
Pointing out that in the past the government had turned a deaf ear to the proposal of the Church, the NBCC lamented that top leaders including the former Governor of Nagaland had attempted to relax or lift the prohibition ban.
“We are thankful to God because He has caused our government to respond positively to the cries of the masses to enforce the prohibition law with all sincerity”, the NBCC stated and expressed gratitude to Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio and the Excise Minister Dr TM Lotha for taking a strong stand in support of prohibition in the face of stiff opposition.
“The Church’s fullest support, prayer and solidarity are with the government to make our state truly dry and clean. Thus together we can transform our land so that peace, blessings and prosperity of God would be upon our people”, it was stated.