Sano Meru
November 14
KOHIMA (MExN): A seminar on Disability Rehabilitation Scenario in Nagaland was held today at Hotel Japfü. Jointly organized by RCI, New Delhi and Government of Nagaland, the colloquium sought to assess the disabilities rehabilitation scenario in Nagaland. Dr. T.M Lotha, Minister of Health & Family Welfare graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Dr Lotha, in his speech, stressed on the need of right human intervention since disability has reached to such a level where opportunities to those disabled are limited and certain barriers are encountered in view of physical, social, attitudinal and culture on them. He asserted that such a stereotyped notion that a disabled person is physically, sensory or intellectually impaired should be dissolved as the individual may still retain considerable talent which could be used to his benefit and for the benefit of the community in general.
He stressed on the need for the community to be sensitized and appealed to all to rededicate themselves to the cause of persons with disabilities.
Dr Lotha also revealed that the Department of Social Welfare was proposing to establish a vocational training centre for the disabled at Phirima and two more DDRCs at Mon and Tuensang Districts.
Maj. Gen Ian Cardozo (Retd) spoke about his experiences on the hard times faced by him as a disabled person and stressed on the need to have more trained professionals to train the disabled as we have only 30,000 professionals in this area considering our vast shocking population of over a billion. On this, he further added that apart from quality education, quantity is also as important and that there are several diploma, degree and masters degree courses and even refreshers courses and appealed to everyone to make full use of those courses for the benefit of the disabled.
He also stressed on the need for sensitization from the grass root level. He asserted that the society in general should take responsibility in providing equal opportunity to them in all areas of human activities, as they are no less than any normal individual in their full potential.
Commenting on the three Acts of the legislation for the disabled people, he maintained that all these Acts would only be written pieces on paper unless the society implements them practically for those disabled to help them find their right place in the society.
The programme was chaired by Ragiv Bansal, Commissioner and Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, Nagaland who also delivered the welcome address. Rev. Yanger Walling, Member, RCI gave the vote of thanks and Dr P Ngully gave the presentation on Disability Scenario & availability of services for persons with disabilities in the State of Nagaland.
Several discussions were also held to formulate the action plan with tangible points and to achieve a measurable outcome for the benefit of the disabled.