Social Conflict

Y L Jami IAS(Retd)
Kushiabill, Dimapur

Social conflicts is prevelant everywhere and it needs to be given proper attention and constant watch in any manner to control the overall situation for the sake of security of the people as a whole in the present society specially in the Nagaland context. It is more of the opinion that, the state should not be accepted as the highest group, rather the state was a means to the maximum welfare of the people and not as a sacred institution. The defeaning silence of legislators regarding the 22nd March 2021 incident is not very acceptable in the present civilised society and by the electorate in a democratic form of Government.

Social justice and equal opportunities must be available to all people to develop their personalities. No person should be deprived of those social conditions which are essential for his/her development. The issue of social justice is associated with equality and social rights. Social justice is available only in a kind of society where the exploitation of man by man does not exist. Social and political justice are intimately connected because a politically unjust society can never be socially just. Social justice also implies that the material and moral benefits of planning are available to all persons and not few privileged people. So there must be a synthesis between liberty, equality and fraternity.