How much does a kilo of rice cost? I mean, good quality rice. 50 rupees? 60 rupees? Or a kilo of dal? How much poorer will you be if you deduct that amount every month from your budget? Try out the onko because there are always ways we can help others even through very modest methods.
Kevilenuo Chadi, from Nerhema village is a mother of two grown daughters. She was born in Kohima where she has been living all her life.She works as an entrepreneur bringing goods from Guwahati and Shillong and selling them in Kohima. In addition, she makes meat pickle and supplies schools and colleges. When there are organic vegetables and fruits in season, she gathers them and raises funds.
Her compassionate nature rose to the need for a home for children in the capital city who have no one to provide for them. In her own words she says, ‘I wish for people to know about our small home. It’s not only for orphans but there are many children with parents around who live without any resources and they live under the poverty line. Such is the plight of these children who are with us. Their parents cannot even provide a pair of slippers for them. The story of some of them is that they have never owned a pair of shoes or a new dress at Christmas.’
Kevilenuo has opened her home to both locals and non-locals. This weekend she will be bringing home two non-local children, aged ten and 2, abandoned by their mother. Her goal is to give these children a warm and loving home where they will receive care for their body, soul and spirit.
Their daily and monthly needs are:
4 kilos of rice on a daily basis
Vegetables and daily provisions for a household of ten to twelve people.
On a monthly basis, other needs are:
15 kilos of potatoes,
12 kilos of dal
3 kilos Powder Milk
3 kilos sugar
1 kilo salt
1 kilo tea
Other items like refined oil and soap, detergent, toiletries, are bought every week when needed. The Destitute home is easy to reach as it is close to the heart of Kohima town.
Destitute Home,
House no C-156,
Keziekie North Block 3
Opposite the Koinonia Church.
The contact number is: 8730066511.
The Destitute home is already registered. Some well-meaning people are likely to suggest that they should apply to the government for funding. The red tape involved in acquiring funds means that months would go by before any funding is given, if it is given.
But let us please not waste time debating about that when there is a much more important thing to discuss. It is this: we are the government. We each have the ability to give a kilo of rice every month, or more. In the first days of Christianity, church women used to set aside a fistful of rice in a container every time they cooked for the family. At month’s end, they would have enough to give to less fortunate families. It is always possible to help others. We have all been blessed so we can bless others. I believe in the generosity of our people for I have seen mini bus drivers driving to orphanages with a bag of rice bought with money from their own pocket. They tell me that when they do these acts, they feel very joyful and close to God for they have helped God’s children. A mini bus driver can do it; all the more reason why we can do it. Not just to gain blessings, but to enrich our own lives and give meaning to our existence.
The children at Kevilenuo’s home go to school. One of life’s lessons she is trying to impart to them is how to earn using their own hands instead of depending on others.
That isalso another way people can help them in a more permanent way. If you have skills that you can teach the children on a regular basis, you can volunteer those services to the Destitute home. Providing food is one thing; providing a means of livelihood is an even greater thing that anyone could bring to the table of this house. Think about it. You could conduct courses at specific time periods, skills that are in demand in the marketplace. Older children could go on to hone that skill into a profession.
How can you help? We should not think of money as the only resource. I certainly encourage you to give money. But your time is an even more precious resource that you can share. The next resource that you can donate, which is just as precious, is your knowledge. Come and teach them carpentry, tailoring,book binding, canning and preserve making, jam making, recycling skills, and any other skill that will help them find a living. All these children deserve to grow up and find a space to inhabit with dignity in this life. And you can do something about it, even in a small way. Every effort matters.