Unemployment: A future success sign?

Chandemo Murry

One of the biggest problems in Nagaland is unemployment and it has been in the news for a very long time. Many are frustrated and filled with resentment over this fact. Some of us will get into the blame game over this issue. However, rather than criticisms and negativity taking over us, let us pause for a moment and develop a sense of positivity in this matter. I pray that we will understand unemployment in a way that it will bring out a wide vistas of great opportunities and platforms to fight this unemployment. Let this be an opportunity to cause you to do something great and significant. And great opportunities means BUSINESS. Although, I am not an expert in the world of business (In fact, just an ordinary guy trying to do something in life) would like to share something which I have picked up in this preparation process. And I hope we will all go beyond the tag of unemployment to working toward a brighter future.

Just a few years ago, business was about an elite group or people with enough wealth. In fact, there are 2 business models, 1. Old school – an investor gets an idea and persuades the bank to lend him money for the operation. 2. Investment – driven start-up which means investing in certain business. Both the models has strengths, weaknesses and various other characteristics. But yet, in the generation , we see middle class people, ordinary people all around the world making their own way usually without much training and almost always without much money. These unexpected entrepreneurs have turned their passion into profit while creating a more meaningful life for themselves. 

In his book “The $100 startup” by Chris Guillebeau, the writer writes about a few important models which I would like to share in brief;

Firstly, it about following your passion: many people are interested in building a business that is based on a hobby or activity they are especially enthusiastic about. According to Jack Ma, “You don’t need to be the top 3 in your class. Being in the middle is fine as long as your grades aren’t too bad. Only this kind of person has enough time to learn other skills.” When you can use your passion or skill to good use, you can build a business. 

Low Start up cost: This is about micro businesses without much investment, without employees and often without much of an idea of what they are doing. This is a situation where business starts from giving a try and experiencing hardship along the way. One of the wrong ideas about business is profiting from the very opening of the business. The truth is, the factor of skills, learning, experiences and failures along the way often contribute to the growth of business ultimately.
Acquiring skills: this is about ordinary people creating a successful business. Of course, many businesses require specialized skills of some kind. However, there are skills that can be acquired through short period of training or independent study. 

Therefore, In this context of microbusiness. The basis of starting a business is not as complicated as you think or about the thought of investing a million for a business. To break it down and to ponder upon such a business is to think about a product or service – what do you want to sell. This means, you give people what they actually want. If your micro business is built upon the fact that your efforts are towards helping people, that’s one of the most important aspect to it. This is centered around giving more value or help to your customers. A business that is concern about what you can add or take away to improve someone’s life and then prepare to get paid.

“Let’s fight unemployment – let this be an opportunity “

From Frustrated Unemployed Youth

Shahkai Pinthra

I'm one of the serious unemployed applicant (from Eastern Nagaland) of recently advertised vacancies of DoSE, Social Welfare and many more. As one job seeking person it is my utmost duty to sit for every exams and I never regretted losing sweat-earned money of my poor parents in the hope of getting whatever job it may be. But my grievances/confusions here are:

1) Why some of the exams are being usually crashed/scheduled on same date like DoSE & Social Welfare?

2) Why don't they consult one another before notifying the exam date??

3) What makes them so stubborn to notify the postponement/preponement of already scheduled exam date in the last 11 hrs??? Do they really think we are jet fighter????

4) What's the need of advertising vacancies after having coped all the vacancies by all those Ministers, MLAs & Directors? Etc, etc, etc...

We all know how far is state capital, Kohima for Easterners especially for the people of Mon. We can't reach Kohima in one duration of day. The other problem is ticket especially during the students' vacations. And also not forgetting the expenses that we met on our journey via Assam. Even last time in the month of March'19 I came to Kohima a week ahead to sit for Social welfare exam but in the last 11 hrs the exam postponed and for sure there might have been 1000s easterners like me. My point here is who will recover our monetary losses?? This is just one example out of many. I'm really frustrated!!!

Awele Mero
Surely several thousand must had faced similar problem like the one you just underwent because of the unscrupulous and thoughtless people who are the helm of this office, driving the department here and there at their own whimsy. Every departmental head work surreptitiously to appoint their favored candidates knowing that their rule is limited to some period only. Unless a common examination for all these grade 3 jobs is looked after by an autonomous body in similar line to SSC, I have very little trust that exams will be fair when conducted by the department itself.

Sashi Amer
Appointment through backdoor are mostly unfit and never attend duty well.... Many are fit for fashion show, rock music shows, Suv car rally, barbeque with turboq beer drinking competition, womanizing, boasting of high connection, underground kilonser connection but less bothered for duty..... All department paralyzed, whereas if department functions well with meritorious open recruit ment employees lot of development will take place with creation of employment opportunities for youth. Hence unemployment will the less.

The articles in this column are compiled by The Naga Blog administrators.

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