The growing culture of pornography; A threat to family

Pf Manini, Assistant Professor
Model Christian College, Kohima 

The rapid increases in internet usage have created a virtual hunting for those who prey on children. The term Pornography was first defined in the Oxford English dictionary in 1857 and was referred earlier in French writing to prostitution, obscenity and obscene images. The invention of Photography in 1839 that depictions of sexual activity could duplicate the act as it happened , clearly depict the individual involved and represent a permanent record of the event. Online child exploitation includes all forms of sex abuse, engaging minors in sexual activity, manufacture, distribution and importation of child Pornography and child sex tourism. Internet is accessible to even the least technologically literate amongst the population. Each new development in technology translates into a new method of either luring children into illegal sexual activity or portraying child Pornography and distributing it. The motion pictures have created the ability to view the entire sex act as if the viewers were either involved or watched.

Children are not capable of making a decision to any consensual sexual relationship. They are completely dependent on the adults.  The child enticed in the sexual act not fully as a participant. Self- determination and self -support isn’t possible for any child. The law referred to those sexual activity between an adult and the child as“ Statutory rape “ because even though the sex was “Consensual “ but illegal by the statute based on the age difference between the partners. Interpol, the International Police Agency states that more than 30,000 pedophiles are involved in organized child Pornography rings in Europe which began forming through the Internet to access E-mail, the web and instant messaging .These people are unaware that beyond their limited internet interactions lies an entire universe of live experience that may be used for legitimate or for illegal purposes. Today children shared a large part of their lives in the virtual world. The increased exposure to inappropriate content and contact with people often leads to children being victimized. The teachers assign children as easily as fourth grade to use the internet to complete assignments. Many parents are completely naive regarding the potential dangers to their children posed by the Internet. Dutch Neuroscientists Muskesketal 2006 of all activities on the internet, porn has the most potential to become addictive’’ about 85 studies linked poor mental and emotional health to porn used. The effects range from brain fog and the social anxiety through depression, negative body image.

Shelly Lubben the former pornography actress sold herself to 35 dollars in the sex industry addicted to porn since nine years old. She had in her list 30 movies in total. According to the Vice- President Noel, Pure HOPE, average young person is exposed to 14,000 sexual life images through internet , images , films . In US the commercial sex industry earned more revenue than the top technology like MS, Google, Amazon, Apple etc. There are approximately 28,258 internet viewers viewing Pornography every second which accounts into 57 billion per year worldwide revenue. According to world Video Bible School, there are about 70 % of all internet porn traffic took around 9am -5pm workday, 30% to 40% internet used to business and 68% viewed the Pornography in school. The study of statistics of sexual purity states that the four A’s of internet – Accessibility, affordable, anonymity, addiction give certain advantages to the viewers to watch according to their discretion. In 2003 the Barna Research states, 59% of adults believe that it is “morally acceptable “to have sexual thought. In 2003, the earliest age to be exposed was 13 years of age.

Sex industry has hugely affected our society. Being living in a sex saturated culture and highly sexualized society. There is not uncommon news of sex trafficking, rape, abortion, early marriage and broken family etc. where the womb was treated as commodity. People have this notion of lie that pornography is the spices of marriage because it exists as long as intimacy and exclusive relationship propel hand in hand. It breaks down when the ingredient of intimacy fail.  And therefore the addicted people become more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material and keep craving for something. This sexual addiction rooted in the family. Sexuality is one of the most fundamental life processes because sexual compulsiveness is extremely threatening. The addictive behaviour becomes vulnerable. Sexual addiction is similar with the alcoholism or drug dependency. It becomes more important than family, friends and work. Addiction begins with the belief  system of rationalizing that I really did care for him or her – just one more time won’t hurt …….. I deserve it. It isn’t so bad since everyone does it. One of the most common rational for married couple is, “I do it” in order to stay in the marriage. My husband is not sensitive to my needs, if only my wife would be more responsive, cybersex is just electrons – not real and Internet helps to broaden my sexual horizons. It doesn’t hurt anybody. Patrick Carnes in his writings “Out of the Shadows Understanding Sexual Addiction’’ most people moment followed by resolves “never to do it again. Many addicts have deeply wished not to be sexual at all. Sexual addiction has been described as “the Athlete’s foot of the mind.” It never goes away. 

These addicts will lead to pregnancy, marrying a man known for four hours and rampant rape case. They judge themselves by society standard; they live with constant pain and alienation. There is a constant fear of discovery and abandonment by family and shame. The high level of consumption affects the physical, marital, financial, moral values, spiritual life and led to the risks of decrease in academic performances. It triggers ecstasy and powerful dependency which is comparable to cocaine addiction. The Norepinephrine chemicals which releases during the process cause the person to remember the smallest details of the images. In doing so, there is a wall of separation between God and you at the risks of your soul. To eliminate the problem, the father has to taught them to prepared for marriage. It is the role of the concern parents to be responsible enough in injecting in their children’s mind, the importance of waiting. Checking on the kid’s phone isn’t an intrusion of child’s privacy but protecting their kids from the evils while doing so, the parents perform their duty as entrusted by God. Marriage is honourable before God. Will power couldn’t able to solve the problem. It can be solve by admitting it to God, getting His supernatural intervention. Remember that it is a ticking bomb that will ultimately destroy your family and marriage. Pornography has become a self - controlling problem. It takes place inside in the mind and limbic system. It will rob your time, inner peace, emotional intimacy, purity, free exchange of fellowship with God, prayer and a host of other things. It is difficult to ensure children safety all the times but is plausible to take reasonable steps to protect the children while online. It is the sole responsibility of the parents, the community and the church to reach out to the dark pages. The biggest lie is to believe that God’s grace has run out on you. It never runs out of time. Remember God’s grace is greater than your shame and sin.