Zuchanthung C Kikon: Today you are looting all the public money meant for development to build luxurious building, maintain a good amount in your bank balance and enjoy a free and lavish life. Your family is free from financial constraints and leading a prosperous life, your sons and daughters are employed under backdoor appointments and some are studying in metro cities and foreign countries. So the big answer is you are tension free and completely at ease living a high strata life. Now you are enjoying and taking a glimpse of the life drama of the poor people struggling to earn their daily bread. Hundreds and thousands of people are cursing you daily at every ticks of the clock hand because there is no proper roads, electricity etc.
We speak a lot about corruption...But never reason out why and how it has rooted the society. Corruption in the Naga society has prevailed from time immemorial in one form or the other. The basic inception of corruption started with our opportunistic leaders who have already done greater damage to our society. People who work on right principles are unrecognized and considered to be foolish in the modern society. Corruption is a result of the connection between bureaucrats, politicians and criminals. Earlier, bribes were paid for getting wrong things done, but now bribe is paid for getting right things done at right time. Further, corruption has become something respectable in the society, because respectable people are involved in it. Moral and spiritual values are not given utmost importance in educational system, which is highly responsible for the deterioration of the society. And we the public are not awakened and enlightened. We fear to raise our voice against anti-social elements prevailing in the society in most of the cases. Many of us have learned a lot from the famous and popular Nagamese movie "NANA"...the movie has portrayed the realism of our present Naga society.
Coming back again to my main topic...I want to ask again to all the corrupted politicians and govt. officials (Money mongers), do you believe in rebirth after death...? Sadly there will be no rebirth or reincarnation after death and death- it cannot be avoided, so why to save all the money in your bank accounts which are meant for the poor people or for developments? I hope you are not trying to carry away your wealth or worthy treasures with you after your death. For it is written in...1 Timothy 6:7(NIV) For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it and in Psalm 49:17 (NIV) for they will take nothing with them when they die, their splendor will not descend with them.
None of us wants to see the wealth we have accumulated over our lifetime go to waste after we die. But adopting the default “I will leave it all to the children when I am gone” approach can mean that family money that could have been a real force for good often goes to waste. If you have the surplus cash to do so, making significant gifts before you die can be of considerably more benefit to your loved ones than passing on assets through your estate. Donate your money to orphanages or use it for the welfare of the poor, then you will die happily and your good deeds will be remembered by the mankind after your death also. All luxury corrupts either the morals or the state. - Joubert
Moses M. Naga: It is the Biblical fact that we Nagas as a whole must know, understand and put it into practice in our daily life. In fact, this message is for all the Nagas- from young to old, from the lowest ranking government servant to the highest ranking government official, from members of the Church to the church leaders, from the students to the teachers and the list goes on and on...
Today it is not only the politicians and the government servants who are corrupted but corruption is rampant even within the civil-based societies, within our churches and gospel ministries... as for instance, I know a person who draws salary from the government of Nagaland without going to office and yet he is the director of a Gospel ministry which is a clear violation of the governmental rule and that directly goes against the Biblical instruction to honour and respect the government (Romans 13:1-7)... The Nagas were called out for the "Divine Purpose- to bring Glory to the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ in and through our lives and to be Instruments in the Living God's Hands for the Extension of the Living God's Kingdom (Soul Winning)." But we the majority of the Nagas have gone the opposite way and so most of these problems and unrest in our Naga Society today is our own creation- the consequences of our sins, the result of our disobedience to the Living God.
The Only Solution to the problems prevailing in our Naga Society lies in Repentance from our sins, from our wicked ways and Seek the Living God's Forgiveness- individually and also collectively (II Chronicles 7:14)... Very good and appropriate write-up brother Zuchanthung, keep it up. The Naga society today needs this kind of feeding more and more...
May the Living God bless you and use you in a very Special Way...
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