Apostasy, Captivity, Remnant and Rebuilding

Rev Dr Phuveyi Dozo, 
Naga United Village  

The consequence is helplessness when a nation unfaithfully harms God and is disloyal to its nation. Plainly, it is the divine judgement. The case of Israelite is a clear example in history.  Against His wish and commandment, the Israelite turned away from God to rebellion, deviation, and forsook the God who delivered them from bondage. Spiritual infidelity was the basic reason of their captivity and painful disaster.  Against the prophetic warnings, the national leaders disobeyed God deliberately. They married with the idols and deities of their neighbours who could not save them since they are fake and not true.  Successively, Assyria, Babylon and Persia captivated them. Subsequently, the nation suffered the Greek and Roman occupation including deportation. The rebirth and rebuilding of the nation began only when few remnants remained faithfully firm with patriotic determination and vision. 

From Darkness to Light: Nagaland is passing through a new time in our history of trial, test and bait, and luring. We are unaware that compounded forces of money and political wave enshrined in unbiblical religious fundamentalism is leading us to a pre-emptive spiritual death-trap. Historically, the Nagas are placed with a nation whose religion supposedly claims to be the oldest religion of the world by exonym. Before the God that the Bible revealed, the Nagas were in animistic consciousness which categorically belongs to natural religion that began in Eden garden. But in fullness of time, the Nagas found the true God, the Creator of the universes and humans.  Hence, the Nagas were delivered from darkness of sin to the light of God.      

Reasons of Downfall: With much excitement and through series of spiritual revival, the Nagas embraced the new faith.  But like the Ephesians (Revelation 3:4-6), we begin to decline and fall away from the height we began due to reasons of shallowness in our Book of faith, emotionalism, blindness to planned reversion, offer and infiltration of political traps with money and social influences. Unconsciously or consciously, a swap and transaction is going on with the original right and uniqueness of the Nagas. Against the voice of God, gravitation of secular attraction becomes heavier than steadfastness of Naga uniqueness.  At this rate of bluntness or blindness, spiritual, generational and psychological captivity has begun and complete destruction is not far from now.   

Recreation of Nagaland: Going through the mathematics of the following tapering facts of the brief journey of Nagaland, the readers and youth may consider to determine to become remnants for rejuvenation and recreation of our land:

God delivered Nagas from darkness of the world: Nagas found God as revealed in the Bible since 1872.    

Nagas accepted the God of Abraham: Against relativised, minor and wealth gods and deities.

Nagas decided for Self-determination in God’s name: God led Nagas through the journey of political struggles.  

God visited Nagas in a series of spiritual revival: Spectacular church growth became a global phenomenon. 

Nagas pledged Ten Thousand Covenant: Church buildings, mission and theological education flourished. 

Nagas coined ‘Nagaland for Christ’: A  cherish and wish to excel for Jesus Christ.   

God heard the prayers of Nagas: Blessed with leadership, bureaucrats, and national leaders.

Perseverance in Political race: Yet without a winner among runners. 

National solidarity and destiny: Now, a house of houses of many heads.

Naga Political Solution as Slogan: A dialectical use by politicians as a tool to win in election.

Nagaland Clean Election: It is something yet to happen and come through.

Nagaland Total Liquor Prohibition: Reasons are known when some want to dismantle it. 

Naga Patriotism: Fossilized, eclipsed and overshadowed with things of the world.  

Unity and harmony: Territorialized, factionalized, and wounded.

Nagaland –which way?

Begin and restart with God.

Begin and continue with each other. 

Continue on the fundamental foundation. 

Remnant to Rebuild: Our land is making progress in many ways with human developments, technology, and physical structures at par with others. However, the basic need is the ‘Ladder on the foundation of Stability.’ It means our strong relationship with God, grass-root education for our youth, children and grand children. Besides modern trends, the upcoming generations need fundamental values that they may properly govern our land, manage our affairs with honesty, and calibrate our land not as tail but as head.  Remnant refers to faithful, original, persistent, persevering and loyal section of people. It is high time for youth to see what is ahead and begin your step today. The hour has come for youth for peaceful revolution and restoration of Naga value and uniqueness, and spiritual truth. What is looming over your horizon is ‘Uncertainty’ but you can dispel it with hope to rejuvenate and rebuild your land with the help of God. 
God bless Nagaland!