ASA new team for 2024-28

Kohima, March 22 (MExN): The Angami Sports Association (ASA) announced its new team of office bearers for the tenure 2024-28.
This announcement was made during the 52nd ASA Wrestling Meet 2024 in Kohima on March 16, when ASA vice president (Administration) Zapranei Mekro informed that the new team will be led by Ruokuovikho Chale as president. The other office bearers will include: vice president (Administration)- Neisavotuo Whuorie, vice president (Organization)- Thinovilie Keyho, General Secretary-Menguphrezo Ziephrii,  joint secretary-Kedunilhu Chiicha, treasurer-Virielhoulie Mario, finance secretary-Ketobu Vitsu, wrestling secretary- Zapusazo Sirie, assistant wrestling secretary-Visasielie Zumu,  games secretary-Thepfiizhii-o Viswentso, assistant games secretary-Thejasevor Kruse,  athletics secretary-Neizovotuo Keretsii,  assistant athletics secretary-Keviletuo Kruse,  property secretary-Khrieto Nisa, information & publicity secretary-Sahovi Phinyo, auditor general-SievilieTsukrii, women co-ordinator-Khrielenuo Khrumo, Kedovino Kar and Er. Lhoubeizo Kesiyie as advisor.