Yanpvuo Yanfo Kikon Come elections...we forget about it all; The BROKEN BRIDGES and the BROKEN DREAMS; The POTHOLES, BROKEN POLES and the HOLES in our pockets; We will fight, burn and try to kill one another; All to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Some become crippled; Some go to jail giving their lives for candidates; Once elections are over; The luxury SUV rides on our potholes and splashes muddy water on your face; That's the candidate, saying THANK YOU! We go back to our miserable lives; And they go back to their luxurious lives; We continue blaming, cursing and pointing YOUR FINGER at the politician; YOUR FINGER which VOTED HIM TO POWER A selfish voter will elect a selfish leader, You vote for your selfish interest, He will work for his selfish interest. When election comes, Good roads, development is all forgotten, All you talk about is "Candidates" THE POWER TO CHANGE NAGALAND IS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS! DEMAND FOR DEVELOPMENT FROM POLITICIANS, NOT MONEY!! Heanzc Cimak: We have been through on the potholes and without a bridge to connect with the other side. We were left unemployed mostly because of nepotism and favoritism. We didn't get our pay/salary/allowance because the money was used for some other purposes. Our sisters die on the way to hospital for delivery.... No books or mid-day meal for my kids, forget the toilet, urinal and drinking water facility in my village government school. Students don't get their scholarship! Time to revamp the system. Alas! It can be, only if I and You, and together We 'Change'. Time's now for Us to 'Change within and without 'and exhibit by our WILL. Hito Chophi: Wish there was a way to break through to the minds of the people in some villages not to vote for money. Sad as it, most from what I’ve seen and heard they are still blinded by money and going the same path. They don’t care who the candidate is or what he plans to do when he wins, just for temporary pocket money. Yanpvuo Yanfo Kikon: That's why we say Democratic elections may work in an educated western society...but not in Nagaland. Elections in places like Nagaland instead of achieving its intended purpose do the opposite. These are incompatible political systems which we adopted & corrupted our entire socio political structure.. Like how a virus enters a computer & damages the entire system from the inside. That's the reason why I keep stressing on the need to go back to our roots. Our scholars must seriously do a socio political structural analysis and determine the most compatible political system which we can adapt to, only then our society will be able to progress & prosper. Right now elections are not resulting in a democratic exercise... It is resulting in a destructive exercise towards creating a regressive society instead of a progressive one.