Tiawapang David Ao
BBA V Semester
The term "management", Is it a set of techniques? Is it a way of getting things done through other people? Is management a matter of decision-making?I will argue that management is all of these, and more. Management is "a set of activities, including planning, organizing, leading and directing, staffing, controlling, decision making, directed at an organization's human, financial, physical, and information resources, with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner"
The Notion of Management: A Biblical view
The concept of management can be traced back to the beginnings of this planet. Adam and Eve were commissioned to manage the garden (Gen.1:28). Later we read about Noah's building project where he set out to build a structure of a size, shape, or function never before witnessed (Gen. 6). The city where Lot and his family lived had to be managed (Gen. 19). Furthermore, the results of the practice of managing resources are obvious when we view surviving Egyptian monuments like the pyramids. Management practices and concepts were discussed by Socrates in 400 BC; and Plato described job specialization in 350 B.C.
In Gen 1:26 and 2:15 (TEV) God indicates that man "will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals domestic and wild and all the earth" and assigns to man the work" to cultivate (develop) it and guard (preserve, take care of) it". So, although we have the function of authority (right to decide) over resources like the earth and the things on the earth, we also have the responsibility of attaining a goal, which is to develop, improve, and cultivate it in harmony with all that is on the earth, guarding it against decay and deterioration.
Man is a created being - created in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27). As such he has value. "That we are made in the image of God means that we are significantly different from the rest of creation. From this notion derives our human dignity".
Psalms 8 supports this with the statement. “You made him a little lower than heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honour.” “You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet” (NIV) Management today is a well-developed field of study with a variety of techniques and mechanisms to achieve its purposes. An array of approaches confronts the manager, who is often uncertain about which to pursue for a particular situation. For the Christian manager, the challenge is to reflect the Christian faith in managing people and resources.
Personal Experiences and Expectations
When I completed my 12th board examination, the first thing that struck my mind was what's next? What should I do? I was totally confused regarding which course I should go in. I had no clue that I will be doing a management course because I was from Arts background.I had heard about the BBA course a lot and most of my friends took BBA as not a good option because a lot of students were not doing that. So I found a misconception in everyone's mind that if a lot of students are doing a particular course and which is not that much popular in Nagaland as the traditional engineering, arts, science and commerce course than it won’t be good. My father was also reluctant for me to pursue the course. But at some point I got the confidence to do this course putting my Faith in God that I can do all things through Christ and I will make a difference in my family and among my friends. “The time is always right, to do what is right” – Martin Luther King Jr.
And today, I am in my final year with full enthusiasm. This course allows me to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to assume management positions in a wide range of organizations. Management studies programmes provided me with a solid foundation in organizational behaviour and human resource development while elective in Human Resource Management (HRM) allow me to develop deeper knowledge in specific areas of my interest. The best part of doing these professional courses or I should say my course is that at a very early stage, I got the chance of working in professional environment through our internships. Many programs incorporate training and practical experience, in the form of case projects,presentations, industrial visits, management fest and interaction with experts from the industry and Entrepreneurs. This degree also develops my practical, managerial and communication skills, and business decision-making capability.
We are aware that the world is becoming a smaller place every day, and the reason behind it is Digitalization. Therefore, I feel happy to be a part of a CEC interns in Jio Centre Office, Dimapur. To me, an internship is an opportunity to learn and experience new things and enhance skills which will be very helpful in the future. I wanted a platform where I could enhance and improve my skills along with the learning’s and theoretical knowledge which I have learnt in my academic sessions that can be applied in a practical way. And for this, I got a chance to work in a well-known telecom company (Reliance Jio). Thus, it has helped me connect to the world and refined my skills. Keeping in mind all the positive points I have mentioned above, I believe I am cruising on the right path full of hopes and light, which earlier seemed dark.