Tell us the Truth
Nokchem Angth: The present crisis in our state (Nagaland) has caught the attention of everyone across the state. Many intellectuals have started analyzing and have opined on the matter with no positive outcomes. Rather, the agitators and the government are more and more stubborn. No one can really say what the intention of the people was but many mute spectators are now in stand and some have even concluded that the present issue is for political gain, whether we like it or not. We, as responsible and concerned citizens of the state who will take the chair of our state one day or other, should really ponder upon and avoid following the crowd without having a concrete reason or well versed on the subject matter. The below mentioned points should be taken under consideration and we should question ourselves. 1. Shifting of issues: Started to oppose the 33% reservation yet the representative gracefully accepted the controversial point during a joint meeting under the initiative of NBCC. Now the organization is denying the agreement which was signed by their convenor. But today the main agenda of the group is out: to bring down the CM. The municipal election isn't being held for the first time but it was held even in the past. Now, the question arises, what were the Tribal Hohos doing or why didn't they oppose when the election was held in 2004 (without reservations)? Except Mokokchung, all the others have accepted the election with Taxes and Schedule Caste in the Act but it didn’t infringe upon Art. 371(A)? Or only the women reservation infringes upon Art 371 (A)? Note that many advocates have said that 33% reservations do not infringe upon Art 371 (A) whatsoever. Time to ponder! 2. Interpretation: In the history of the Indian constitution, I believe, we have courageously interpreted the Art. 371 (A) in our own convenience. We all are expert lawyers and we all are from legal background. No one accepts no one's opinion but we all are right in our own. From old to young, I have seen all the Nagas interpreting the constitution this time and I wonder if this happens even in other part of the country? If we can accept all this interpretation then we will need no court or lawyers to settle any kind of case in future. Indeed, we are blessed with uncountable advocates and lawyers-proud of it! 3. The agreement: The 30th January agreement should not hold as a reason why the CM should resign. Why because those who could read and reason oneself can easily understand the content of the agreement. The JCC's convenor should not ignore what he did but accept it in a good faith and rectify, if needed but simply saying he didn't accept the ULB Election with 33% reservation is a serious matter that the people ought to question his wisdom. I blame the government only for changing their decision and agreeing for postponement though the agreement (as per the content) wasn't the final but "subject to" to cabinet and SEC. So, seeing the content of the written agreement, I only conclude that the JCC was wrong to accept the agreement blindly. 4. Diverting the core demands: A man who can't sit idly at home when people move around, went to attend a funeral program of our late two brothers at Kohima. On the day when their dead body arrived and the following day, many leaders spoke but what really struck my mind was when the charter of the demand was repeatedly read out by a representative standing near two coffins in front of thousands of spectators. The content of the demand was in fact very impressive and satisfactory for the people where they were compelled to clap loud and loud as the speaker pointed out the demand one after another: Resignation;
(a) Chief Minister (b) Party President (c) Home Minister (c) Concerned Parliamentary Secretary & (d) Commissioner of Dimapur Police (Suspension) *And nullifying the process of ULB Election.
But today, as a responsible person, I can't remain silent on the development of the issue, particularly when the civil organizations have "singled out" the CM and protected the other leaders who were in the list of the demands. I just want to ask the leaders of the JCC & NTAC, what happened to others? 5. Is it really the voice of the people?: We Nagas are much known to use the phrase "voice of the people". I really wonder if the present fight with the government can be termed as the voice of the people because we should remember that many women and even some men are against and do not support the agenda of the newly formed civil organizations. It is very necessary to note down that even the women are Nagas and we can't truly proclaim voice of the people when only men folk take part in the agitation. Astonishingly, we have created new type with new concept the voice of the people. For others, the voice of the people is highly granted because they use it judiciously and it is most powerful weapons in a democracy like India but what happened to our voice that went unheard by our representatives? Maybe they didn't acknowledge because they knew that it was not the people's voice but theirs. Passing a resolution to fine if one doesn't turn up to block the road, to tease the innocent students and demolish/attack private properties and burn down public offices into ashes speaks volume. The present voice of the people is condemnable whether we like it or not. And we murdered the concept of the Voice of the People. 6. People's movement: We might be very selfish to use the term "people's movement" when it is totally different. Please let us accept the fact that some of our fellow people aren't taking part in asking the resignation of CM because many intellectuals and even the illiterate knew that the movement is not with good intentions. The 'singling out' tells us more and if you don't agree with me then you should give me a convincing reason as to why the first charter of demand was compromised? And since, it is a people's movement, did the JCC & NTAC consult the people before compromising the other demands? I don't think so. So, I will only conclude this movement as "people's movement against individual because he was from the minority". 7. We are violating our custom: I think the JCC & NTAC were formed and exist to protect and preserve the rich custom of Nagas. I strongly believe these organizations are fighting because they believe the decision of the government violated and undermined the custom and practices of the Nagas, I believe. But seeing the activities of them is so disgusting especially when they can't practice what they preach. Many of their activities are alien to Naga Custom. I don't know about your ancestors/¬grandparents but my grandparents and ancestors never practiced bandh, they respected the dead body, fast undo death is new to our custom where my grandparents and parents didn't mention about when they elaborated the social and political history of their time, they never teased their fellow women folk but gave them highest respect and care, they didn't drink MC whiskey and Rum, Foster and Kingfisher beers but only rice beer and most importantly, they didn't use any western garments while they stood guard. Many will view this as immature or childish but this is a serious subject that we all need to study and correct ourselves. Or, if the JCC & NTAC think that they truly stand for Naga custom and they can't accept the Indian constitution to be implemented in Nagaland state then I pray and hope that these civil organizations will administer the state affairs even after TR resigns from the chair. Now, we don't need any section from IPC/IC to deliver the justice to the rape victim or other offence related because it is INDIAN LAW and not OURS. Now, the JCC & NTAC and Tribal Hohos should make sure that Naga customary laws are once again brought back and executed very strongly, for a case rape and murder, the most popular word "EXCOMMUNICATION" that hit our state for ULB matter should be handed over to the culprit accordingly because our forefathers did this and it is purely our practices and if we are truly to carry forward our customary law and practices then we don't need to approach any judicial institutions anymore for the settlement of the case. Once again, I repeat the phase "WE SHOULD PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH". 8. Moral ground: Oh really! So, we can use violence and force to demand someone to step down on moral ground? Is that also ever possible? I really can't make it out. But I have a right to ponder upon as to whether those who are asking someone to step down on moral ground have a moral responsibility to do so? Till it happened with regard to current issue, I was thinking that the moral responsibility can be taken on our own wishes and no one has any right to force me or someone else to do this and that citing a "moral responsibility". Had that same yardstick been applied even before, many of our legislators would have lost their chair before the stipulated time. Lastly, the leader should lead the people in a right path but taking the people just for a ride to fulfil one's need/personal interest will surely be crushed at the end of the day. They should lead in such a way that people aren't misinformed about the subject because it will have an effect on long process. We as an earthly men and women can't see the inner or mind of someone else but our creator is truly watching and He will judge everyone of us and award accordingly on the day of our judgment. I know, many of you will not accept my view or some may even get offended but I'm asking them to tell us the "TRUTH". That's the matter and I stand by it. Criticize me or crucify me but the truth will remain as it is.
Note: This was posted on The Naga Blog on February 21, 2017.
Restructuring and strengthening the Naga organizations
Bendanchuba Naga: Shouldn't we restructure and strengthen the apex organisations like Naga Hoho, NSF and NMA? I know, the very mention of these entities is not going to go well with many people. But the larger question is ‘Don't Nagas deserve a common platform in difficult times like this?’ Every sensible person would have observed that during the last few days there was a total leadership vacuum. In fact there was seemingly no credible organisation or authority to give unbiased counsel and direction when our people needed it most. On the hindsight, if we had one, may be the ugly incidents which happened could have been avoided. In absence of any other alternative, the NBCC did what was right at that time but it got its finger burnt in the first attempt. The sad thing is that we have systematically undermined the authority of every credible institution we have. We have almost rendered them redundant by forming parallel organisations and dissociation. Today Naga Hoho and NSF are not what they were 15 or 20 years back. It is true that these institutions have failed to live up to our expectation. But everybody would agree that not having them is not the solution either. It may be politically wrong but today in absence of credible institutions, Nagas are often led by the piece meal organisations which are formed in a hustle and this trend doesn't auger well for an evolving society. Let's understand that good leadership goes far beyond the ability of organising a successful bandh or protest. Our land has become a thriving industry for manufacturing new organisations at the slightest pretext. But the people's movement pertaining to our future need be led by men of wisdom and repute. In situation like this the importance of having a credible Naga organisation at different level cannot be over emphasised. We still have the rudimentary structure even though there are missing links. But we can restructure them and bring back all Naga tribes to the same platform again. For the sake of discussion we can have our organisation in 3 tiers. (Nomenclature only for illustration)
1. On the top is Naga Hoho which is interstate or international in nature and cover all Naga inhabited areas. The State level hohos will affiliate to it. At present the Naga Hoho plays both the role of interstate as well as for the state Nagaland. The mixing of role is not desirable in the changed situation as there are many problems now which are state specific.
2. In the state level for Nagaland we need to have Nagaland People hoho. This is the missing link and it needs to be put in place as early as possible. All the tribal hohos in Nagaland will be affiliated to Nagaland People hoho.
3. Next is the tribal hoho of all recognised Naga tribes in Nagaland. All the tribes will be directly affiliated to Nagaland People hoho. There are some regional groupings like ENPO, CNTC, CMTC. Whether these organisations should be given the status of a hoho or not can be debated.
The same formula can be applied for both NSF and NMA. The need of the hour is to unite all the tribes and bring them under one umbrella. I believe we can still do it by restructuring the existing organisations to the need of the present time instead of substituting them with new ones.
The articles in this column are compiled by The Naga Blog administrators.