New year hopes with a brief post-mortem of 2016
Peter Rutsa: As aptly described by the fourth estate, 2016 hasn't left much memories to clap about in Nagaland. It definitely was a year spent engrossed in confrontations and ultimatums. Forget about who and which side was right or wrong! Problems from the east, north, west, south, above, below and every other possible direction and angles imaginable!
A year which then culminated in a most despicable manner possible with the government choosing to suppress a public interest, non-violent democratic gathering with water cannon, topped up with tear gas and batons at Dimapur against a steadfast ACAUT and members of the public.
No doubt running a government is not easy like majority of us 'ignorant, arrogant, lower class/caste' Nagas would imagine. However couldn't the government led by our CM, guided by our active veteran politician and expert strategist in the figure of NPF president have dealt better with the people they govern in 2016? Will it be too much for the government with responsible politicians in its ranks to spend more effort searching a little deeper for solutions to various differences existing amongst stakeholders. Particularly between the state and its citizens.
It should also be noted that if our current home minister is given more AUTONOMY in dealing with future democratic public gatherings or for that matter even public protest against unresolved issues that we have dragged over from 2016 to 2017, we the people are in for much more fun and entertainment than what the government provided the concluding year. In fact it wouldn't come as a surprise if our law enforcement agency (state police) has already been apprised to be prepared for usage of RUBBER BULLETS in 2017 to disperse ANTI SOCIAL gatherings!
Issues confronting a government CANNOT BE COOLED down and SPRAYED AWAY with water cannon or BE HIDDEN behind the smoke from tear gas shells. It cannot be ISOLATED with implementation of obsolete suppressive imperialist British laws like 14 CrPC.
There are many more ways and means available to the government before such tactics are resorted to.
We have stepped into a new year. But sadly looks like 2017 is going to be KICKED-OFF with the government taking on various tribal hohos and Naga civil society stubbornly on 33% women reservation in urban local body elections. The grave dangers that this issue holds for article 371(A) which has been safeguarding Nagas 'temporarily' is being treated like a disposable commodity just for the sake of FUNDING! The article is a life jacket for Nagas. Particularly of Nagaland. Some Nagas (Politicians/bureaucrats/NGOs/Private citizens) seem bent on poking a hole in this life vest for personal and short term financial benefits. If the NPF party, our government led by our CM, his cabinet colleagues, ministers and parliamentary secretaries decide to start the new year like how they ended it.
Let us citizens of the state not wish each other HAPPY NEW YEAR yet.... Let us hope better sense prevail in 2017. Let us hope less confrontations and more dialogue takes place in 2017. Let us hope that even if our economy fails to improve and funding doesn't get better. Atleast hope corruption lessens. If 2017 starts the way 2016 came to an end. Let us look forward to a change of guard in governance.
Goodbyes to Backdoor appointments
Kevitho Kera: If you are getting a government job you have to get it because of your merit, because you are qualified, because you deserve to hold that job, because you fulfill the requirements to do that job. Nagaland is a mess and that mess is further augmented because of backdoor appointments. People are holding government jobs even though they are not qualified to hold the job, they fall short of standards to execute the job. Meritorious and deserving people are not getting their dues. If government jobs are given strictly due to merit we will see a Nagaland in which the state of affairs is run well because qualified people will be executing the job. Backdoor appointments are rampant in Nagaland. This social evil is destroying us. Let us say no to backdoor appointments. Even if we are given the opportunity to hold jobs through backdoor appointments, Let us decline it. Let us get jobs through merit and sheer hard work. For a better Nagaland, backdoor appointments have to stop.
Diku Zeliang: Officers appointed through backdoor appointments appoint another candidate through backdoor and this round and chain of corrupt practice is becoming deep rooted. We can only wish it didn't start when it first started. Really unfortunate. Nevertheless, for qualified and educated youths, it's a blessing, for they can start their own business at some point of time and be the game-changer of our generation.
Ranmung RN: Rightly said, if selection is done through merit alone, the state will develop in a matter of one or two decades. Here in central government too, back door entry, of course now it is very rare, and compassionate ground appointees are the dead wood in terms of performance. Staffs recruited through fair competitive exams are real gems. They are competent, hard working with right attitude and value one’s hard earned job. I have served in CISF and is with the Indian Railway now, I can understand the prevailing difficult work culture or situation in offices and institutions of government of Nagaland. I should say there things are too informal with little respect for defined rules and procedures that creates problem for everyone.