Avitso Lcho: An update on the pothole filling work that TNB (The Naga Blog) members took up today at Chandmari area, Kohima.
Special thanks to Vodi Zao for bringing Mechanical Departments Mini Tipper truck for transporting the soil.
Thank you Kezieno Seyie, for providing us with refreshments by coming all the way from IG Stadium area.
Thank you Areb Ao for buying two cartons of mineral water.
Thank you to Alo Lcho, Nuhuto Nienu and Mi Pongen for covering up the hiring charge for the pick-up truck.
Also thank you to KeLe Rhetso, Kenovi Rhetso, Lcho Vivoto, Kevi Mere, Vitu , Ajay Prasad, Rahul Prasad and Kezevikho Visa (Excuse me if I have missed out anyone ), for being there till the end.
Thank you guys it would not have been possible without your participation.
Even though it is not much, we have contributed our part (those who have travelled along Lower Chandmari Junction and Directorate of Printing and Stationary must have felt the difference). Hoping that other colonies too will follow suit and maintain the roads which belong to everyone of us.
To conclude, my last comment is that dear all members please think twice and confirm your participation in these kind of work. Don't just comment saying that you will be there if you can't. It was quite disappointing to see that most of those who commented that they would join were not present.
It is not easy to arrange things for such works and after arranging everything, if you don't turn up, it is not just a disappointment, but it is a waste of other’s precious time and resources.
Ketusilie Sakhrie: Now when election time comes, just simply bar the candidates from stepping into your roads. They don’t deserve anything after putting everyone through so much. I just can't understand their shameless attitudes with which they come just before election time, asking for your support. Their foreheads must be made of steel. Sad... Nice initiative. Wish every colony, village anywhere in Nagaland adopt your initiative so that the politicians can be barred! Yanpvuo Yanfo Kikon: These are the kind of people who deserve respect!!! People like you give me hope and a reason to continue believing that one day we can build a better Nagaland. These are the few good men left in our society of crooks and selfish leaders.
Dimapur Autorickshaws: Safety Tips for implementation and action
Namdo Nbung: The new auto rickshaw seating policy adopted by the transport authority (or whoever is concerned) in Dimapur during the middle part of this year is somewhat a failure in my opinion because taking my example I go to 4th Mile from ADC court and comes back every Thursday to Sunday and I resort to passenger autorickshaw. The authority has banned passengers to sit in the front which is actually good but the problem was allowing four persons to sit at the back when it can hardly occupy two obese persons. With this new policy the drivers will not leave without getting full passengers so thin or fat four has to fit in and as we all know the road condition which makes it more difficult. Earlier the auto rickshaw drivers leave before it is full because they know they can get passengers on the way and we can at least choose to sit in the front rather than the back but now there is no option. The funny thing is that now the passengers are suffering more and even the fare is more and on top of that the drivers (not all) will be the sweet ones near the traffic police and would just pick someone when they cross traffic points. One confusing thing is the smaller rickshaws are allowed to have passengers sit in front but the bigger ones don’t. I know the authority must have thought of the welfare of its citizens while making this decision but they should've practically studied the problems that could have occurred out of this policy beforehand... Just imagine four persons compacted together during the summer when even now itself makes us sweat like river (okay that was exaggeration). Hope this message reaches the authorities.
Renponi Naga: I have forwarded photos as evidence of drivers carrying passengers in the front after it was banned to both the District authority and DDADU twice and requested to strictly check such activities of the auto drivers as if they still carry passengers in the front seat than the fare should be brought back to what it was before. However, I am yet to see any remarkable action as many scoundrel and disobedient drivers still practise it rampantly and am sure bloggers too see such sites even till date. Kindly click pictures of those autos (make sure the auto no. is also captured) and publish it or forward to the authorities. I think it needs more voice to ask for things to be checked otherwise we are paying extra money for nothing.
Atoka Wotsa: Allowing passengers to sit in front with the auto driver is a NO NO NO. Unless you are OK OK OK to losing your life in case of an accident and putting other’s lives at risk too. Anyone sitting in the front seat of an auto is exposed to high risk of injury and dead in the event of an accident or collision with another vehicle that may be traveling more than the speed limit (although people have died at speeds less than 40km/hr). An auto as it is, is already not the safest vehicle around. Convenience for public transportation is a necessity, probably a local transport department with routine transport routes across important parts of the city will solve our problem permanently rather than other stop gap measures.
The articles in this column are compiled by The Naga Blog administrators.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Naga Blog.