Naga churches toward cause of leprosy affected people

Our Correspondent
Kohima | August 28

The involvement of churches in Nagaland for the cause of leprosy affected people in the state in association with The Leprosy Mission India is set to make a lot of differences in term of their care and control of Leprosy in the state. Nagaland currently ranked as the first state in the country to eliminate leprosy in 1998. The prevalent rate stands below 1% per 10,000 population. The efforts from the side of government and NGOs to make the people free from Leprosy assume significance from the eyes of many. In a “Church leaders conference on leprosy friendly congregation in Nagaland” held here today under the aegis of Kohima Baptist Pastors’ Fellowship and The Leprosy Mission India (TLM), it focused the need to intensify the awareness on leprosy and to take care of Leprosy affected people.

Rev. Dr. Anjo Keikung, general secretary Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) advocated the need to give adequate awareness to the people and to spread the message about Leprosy at the churches platform so that the people will be free from Leprosy.

“We have to start right from here and spread message to all Churches in Nagaland,” he said.

In a significant development, 3 theological graduates from Nagaland are serving in TLM hospitals in Maharastra, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi as missionary counselors. Highlighting the scenario of Leprosy in Nagaland, Dr. K. Vikato Kinimi, State Leprosy Officer said that even though Nagaland ranked as the first state in the country to eliminate leprosy, he stressed on the need for early diagnosis and treatment which he said can cure and prevent Leprosy.

Giving the latest figure that there are 251 cases of leprosy in the state as of now where 112 are under treatment, he said that 80% cases are from Dimapur the rest 20% reported from other districts of the state. 96% cases of Leprosy in the state reported from non-local and 4% from indigenous people in the state.

Dr. Sunil Anand, director, TLM, India said the organization is an international organization working towards transforming and empowering lives of those affected by Leprosy since 1874. He said the organization work for those effected by leprosy to retain good health and become active members of the community empowered to access their rights, to social, interactions, education and employment, adding that the Mission gives quality medical care and dignity way of life.

The NBCC have signed a partnership agreement with the TLM to work together to transform all the congregations in the 20 associations affiliated to NCBB as leprosy friendly congregations.

TLM has committed to teach the congregation the causes and consequences of Leprosy. In this partnership the leprosy affected people in Nagaland will no longer have to leave their village or live in leprosy colonies because the congregations will be educated to know that leprosy is touchable and curable and they will be empowered to accept them through reduction of fear, stigma and discrimination that is so deeply attached with the disease. TLM has started the process of rehabilitating the inmates from various leprosy colonies in Nagaland. NBCC has deputed the service of a senior pastor to serve as Nagaland state promotional secretary on behalf of TLM. Churches have already raised financial and human resources to support the ministry of TLM.

Rev. N.T Murry, promotional secretary TLM NBCC Kohima placed the burden to all concerned believers to take the burden of Leprosy affected people in prayer and give toward the ministry. “I assure, every single rupee you contribute towards the ministry will be rewarded, as it will bring smiles to some needy patients and their families given them hope for the future,” Rev. Murry said.