Naga Lim

Dr Hunibou Newmai

Let the ‘Naga Lim’ be a land of Peace and Prosperity,

Let the spirit of Freedom and Peace reflect every face.

Let there be no discord, hatred and fear of head hunters.

Let no one shed tears anymore for want of Justice.

Let there be no threat of life, no exploitation of helpless.

Let the people roam freely without intimidation.

Let the loving Mothers sleep without a Nightmare,

Let everybody wake up in the Morning without fear,

Looking forward a Bright and Pleasant Days ahead.

Let the Nagas and their adversaries be reconciled in Christ

Let the spirit of hatred be erased from our heart forever,

Let the Air  Reign with Music of Love and Forgiveness.

Let the Nagas realise the futility of Freedom without Christ,

Let the Naga leaders forsake the spirit of Egoism and Vanity, 

Let Christ be the Counsellor and lead the Naga Nation to Freedom.

Let the elusive peace and tranquility find a place,

For the future generations of Naga lim.