NNP hopes Hornbill Fest will bring inclusive unity

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 2 (MExN): The Naga National Party (NNP) from Myanmar has expressed hope that the celebration of the Hornbill Festival 2021 will bring “inclusive unity, peace and a progressive Naga society as one people and culture without borders.” In a letter to the Nagaland Chief Minister, the President of the NNP, Shumaung Kyüzvaw said: “We, the Nagas of Mayanmar, especially from the office of the NNP are thrilled to know that under the esteemed leadership of your administration, the Hornbill Festival 2021 is being celebrated at Naga Heritage Village, Kisama.” “It is our supreme hope and prayer that this celebration would bring untold blessings to every Naga beyond borders. We look forward that there would be a same day where Nagas from east and west coming together to celebrate this auspicious occasion,” the NPP stated.