Yeihtai Konyak Subject: Suggestion to introduce Naga History, Culture, Tradition and Naga Struggle for Self Determination.
With regard to the subject cited above I would like to bring it to light about the ignorance of our Naga children and younger generation about the Naga culture, tradition, history and even self determination. Sir it is with through education only that we can learn the history of Nagas if it is included in the schools and colleges and university syllabus. Yes we have many educated people but I don't find a person who is educated and well versed with one’s own tradition and culture. Let me cite an example about a guy who is educated as he holds a degree but he is unaware about his own tradition, history and culture which is being followed back at the village and society as he had never come across any syllabus related to our own Naga history, culture and tradition instead we all read only about India and other countries’ culture which we find it difficult as we are not able to see any of it in our surrounding. I do not mean we should not include them at all.
Now let me cite the benefits if we include our history, culture and tradition:-
1) From history we will learn how our forefathers were hardworking and honest in their work. And with history we will know how to make all the local things including basketery, guns, daos, spade etc..thereby giving rise to our own local blacksmith as now most of the Nagas are all dependent on non-locals.
2) We can find new creative and innovative ideas by reading the medicinal plants and herbs which our forefathers used and now we are dependent only on the ready-made pharmacy. By those ideas we could have developed our local pharmaceutical industries too along with the pharmacy from other parts of the world even through collaboration.
3) We could have developed our own fibre industry as we read about the weaving of clothes which is a tradition handed down since immemorial. We could have learned which plants are good for fibre and which plants are used for colouring the fibre. For instance Konyak has a tradition of wearing shawls which are woven. The fibres used in the shawls are not only cotton and silk. They were using plants to make a fibre and even to colour. This study could have lead to emergence of fibre industry instead of depending on other imported fibres.
There are many benefits but this is all I can give as of now as it seem my letter is too long. Therefore I earnestly request you to take the above points into consideration and look into the necessary changes in our schools and university syllabus.
Chimong Liiziiri: Very good suggestion. Yes. We should not be ignorant about our own history. Many of us know Indian history or other history of the world but we don't even know our roots where we came or origin from. We the Nagas have a separate nation and identity so why not study our own history and give emphasis on it. Our concerned department and politicians should also take note of our brother’s suggestion seriously and take necessary steps.
Besides, understanding of our culture, main idea should give about Naga Nationalism and to instill the feelings of Patriotism to every Naga student through schools and colleges by inclusion of Naga History.
As a student of history honours during my college days, we know how strong and brave our forefathers were. They were determined not to subjugated or suppressed by any other Nations. But unfortunately, today we are under the control of the so called India.
Thus our idea of inclusion of Naga History in schools and colleges should also be to spread the feelings of Patriotism. What we need today is Naga Sovereignty.
Good suggestion bro, much appreciated.
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