Quiz #379

1.     What was the unemployment rate (%) among the 15 years and above age group in Nagaland as per the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) Report 2022-23?
a. 4.2            

b. 4.3

c. 9.7            

d. 19.2

2.     What was the unemployment rate (%) among the 15 years and above age group in India as per the PLFS 2022-23? 
a. 3.2            




3.     What was the rank of India out of 125 countries in the Global Hunger Index 2023?
a. 55            

b. 89

c. 102        

d. 111

4.     R21/Matrix-M, which was recently approved, is the vaccine against which disease?
a.  Dengue        

b.  Malaria

c.  Tuberculosis    

d.  COVID-19

5.     International Olympic Committee (IOC) has approved cricket, squash, baseball and softball, flag football and lacrosse for: 
a.  Paris 2024        

b. Los Angeles  2028

c. Brisbane 2032    

d. None of the Above

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Answers to Quiz #378: 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. C; 5. d

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