‘Reconciliation through the Mercy of God’

Sulanthung Humtsoe*

“Lord how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? As many as seven times? Mt: 18: 21” it was properly a genuine doubt of Peter, which arouse from his own personal experiences. He must have had some difficulties in forgiving, out of his wavering temperament, perhaps! But he now puts forward to Jesus a doubt as to what should be the limit of one’s forgiveness. Peter sought to know what are the exact boundaries that one must limit oneself, while forgiving. He wanted clear cut rules to define the maximum threshold and frontiers of generosity in pardoning. But the lord replies firmly. “I say to you, not seven times, but seventy seven times, unlimited and uncountable!

Leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift (Mt 5:24). Reconciliation in simple term would mean restoring back our relationship or getting reunited. God reconciled with humankind by sending Jesus on this earth who died on the cross to reunite us to the father. Today the world is very much in need of reconciliation for peaceful and harmonious living. 

Catholic view of reconciliation

Reconciliation is one of the most important processes of restoring our relationship with God and neighbors. Reconciliation is the final step towards forgiveness. Hence, we have a beautiful sacrament of reconciliation or penance where our sins and wrong doings are washed away and made anew. So that we could regain our relationship with god and our fellow humankind. 

The mercy and forgiveness of God are the prime elements in reconciliation. If the penitent has no repentance of heart for his sins committed than there is no reconciliation with god and neighbor. A repentant heart always seeks mercy from God to connect the broken relationship with God and neighbors. Through this Sacrament, the penitent is resurrected from Spiritual death. For this Sacrament to truly achieve its purpose, it must be an integral part of our lives and bring as into a deeper and more fervent love and service of God and neighbour. 

Purpose Of Reconciliation

The sacrament of Reconciliation is an action that is symbolic. Its aim is to reconcile sinners to God and the community of believers. It is a gift from a merciful God to humanity in order to reconcile the world to Himself. God is actively reconciling in the sacrament. Reconciliation is the symbol of God and the church who are mutually related.

Who Are To Reconcile? 

The two parties who have broken the peaceful relationship are to reconcile. It is important to know that reconciliation is both Godward as well as Manward. And all things are of God who had reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and had given to us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). God takes the first move with love in order to influence the sinner to come into friendly relationship with God forgiving those who have hurt us is not easy. The bigger the hurt the more difficult it is to forgive and many people also longer it takes to forgive.

Why Do We Need Reconciliation? 

We need reconciliation in order to repair or restore the broken relationship with God and the fellow humans. We need reconciliation to remove the barriers of hatred, envy, jealousy and other forms of negative energy which keeps the human family in constant misunderstanding and fights. The real world as we see with our naked eyes have suffered gravely with violence in the family sphere, between the communities, between tribes and even in the individual level to great extent. Today, the world needs healing and reconciliation. There is an increase need of understanding and mutual up building of the broken relationship in all the levels of humankind. This action of the penitent is a symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation and is attributed to God’s grace. Approaching the Sacramental with contrition and repentance, resolving to sin no more, take place within the contort of an awareness of God’s love. The penitent trusts of God’s mercy, compassion, healing and forgiveness. Contribution and conversion draw the penitent nearer to the holiness of God. Into a deeper intimacy with God and recovering of one’s true identity as a child of God. Reconciliation is a symbol of live-dying to SIN and rising to new life. It is a gift from a Merciful God to humanity in order to reconcile the world to himself. God is actively reconciling in the Sacrament. Reconciliation is the symbol of God and the Church who are mutually related. 

Is Reconciliation Effective Today?

The present world is in chaotic and noise filled ambiance. Yet, there are tremendous effort put forth to bring many conflicts into peaceful settlement. Today, we come across ample of mutual dialogue in the international level, national level among religions. communities and individuals in favour of reconciling and strengthening the relationships. The positive part of all this is that people are increasingly moving towards peaceful atmosphere.

Becoming Agents Of Reconciliation

We are children of God and we all have an Abba relationship with Him. This personal relationship with God with each individual has to be sustained throughout. Breaking this relationship with God would mean failing to reconcile with GOD and others. Let’s all strive towards maintenance of this chain of relationship with God and all humankind and be the agents of reconciliation to the place we live and world in large. Through this Sacrament, the penitent is resurrected from Spiritual death. For this Sacrament to truly achieve its purpose, it must be an integral part of our lives and bring us into a deeper and more fervent love and service of God and neighbour.

*Introductory speech by Sulanthung Humtsoe, Convenor,  All Naga Catholic’s Federation during the consultative meeting organised by the All Naga Catholic’s Federation North East India.