Rejoinder to critique of "An evaluation of mission methods....."

I thank Paul Pimomo for critiquing my article on “evaluation of mission method...”. I totally agree with him regarding nominal Christianity and spiritual Christianity in context of Nagaland, (100% Christians- 90% nominals). But my point is about the unwanted problem of dividing churches which is creating animosity between the factions in the local church and different denominations. Instead of peace there is animosity.

With regard to the prominent Baptist denomination in Nagaland- NBCC, they have been quiet so far even regarding Anatongre incident. They have been tolerant so far. They are sound asleep.

I do not know from which denomination you are, but put yourself in another denomination’s shoes- supposing your denomination have covered an area where you have planted churches in every, village, town and city. Here, if another denomination comes and breaks up your churches and denomination, (even for good reasons) what would you feel? (Of course NBCC does not feel it the way I and you would feel).

Lastly you have pointed out rightly that, “Christian leaders of all denominations should come together for the greater good of all, and also, that Nagas are turning Christianity into a controversy and a problem, instead of solution to problems”. I also would like to concur with you that, leaving aside denominational differences all believers should come together and find solutions to the problems like- rebuilding the empty slogan- Nagaland for Christ- our society is in ruins- Ten Thousand missionaries to be send- broken and unfulfilled pledge. Is our Naga Christian conscience really dead?

Sentimeren Longkumer , Chennai.