Tackling CORRUPTION: Work around it rather against it

Peteneinuo Kire Jamir: There have been many talks about corruption in Nagaland. Even more so about politicians. I have been apprehensive about speaking out because perhaps I am in the wrong. BUT today, (not because its “women’s day”.... for which I don’t give a hoot anyway because I believe that everyday is women’s day)....I am confident enough to say that we need ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT for the people in order to bring about this much talked about ‘change’!!!!  

And in order to bring about this economic empowerment, we need to invest not only in infrastructural developments but simultaneously in human resources and development.  

And in order for this investment to happen, we need the resources from the government which unfortunately is wrested away during elections by the very people for whom I say we need to empower economically!   And in order to make up for the losses/ loans incurred by the MLA/ candidate in the process, he also, in turn, tries to make up for it through the govt.  

What is the answer then?  

Just sitting around pointing fingers at each other is not going to be effective. Even if we all seek and desire for change, how many of us will actually be willing to take that extra step to attend a meeting or tackle the traffic to meet another likeminded person or sacrifice a day with the children to attend a rally of some sorts?  

Most likely, not many will!   In this regard, I feel that the most we can do as responsible citizens are to take the onus of educating and spreading forward the idea of the true meaning of how democracy is and how it should be enacted.  

This might have a greater impact than to actually “nab the corrupt persons”!  

Because come on! Our Naga society is as sociable as it can get anywhere in the world! Honestly speaking, we are always helpful and hospitable. Period. Any tribe. All tribes. What we would conceive as a “favour” or help extended to a friend or family member (out of social or familial obligations) may often be perceived along parallel lines as “corruption” by others!  

So, for me, the basic truth is that this so-called “corruption” is in our blood...our very genes in fact! Besides working against it, let us try to work around it and also try to bring a compromise that would be more effective for all of us! The power belongs to the people!  

Impracticable transmutation

Viboto Kiho: The word 'change' has transformed into a myth in Nagaland, it is a bait owned by the stakeholders and scion to hook the mongering yet necessitated common people who repeatedly fall victims to their old same manifestos.   The newly evolved NDPP-BJP led PDA government ingested a new hope with their election motto 'Change is coming', whereby, young people of different walks of lives voted them to power with staunch new aspirations and light at end of tunnels. However, the first two changes is doubtful and inconsequential which does not procure the real transformation we Nagas need at this hour.  

Our leaders are so engrossed into nomenclature which is never taking us forward, changing the name of the structure and tools do not foster its value and productivity. Young talented sports aspirants need good stadium, equipment, facilities and ample opportunities to venture out to live their dream one day. The change we need from a government is a chance to chase the dream of our choice. Likewise, the recent renaming of Indira Gandhi Stadium shall project nothing but, political resentment against the rival if the PDA alliance government fails to prove it fruitful.  

Another doubtful change is bringing to an end the VIP culture in our land by virtue of allegiance and submission to Vehicle Motor Act 1988, it is impressive and positive at first sight, yet a complete concede which proves nothing but hypocrisy until when the picture comes to light in our compact towns, especially in Kohima and Dimapur. We shall witness it, the first budget session which is soon happening will sketch out the result. Public must take to streets if removing 'Name plates' do little or no change in their reckless ways of screwing up our traffic regulations.  

We've been hankering for upright leader who has vision, who will bring change not in words but by deeds. Today, as we impel the same old leader to the crown, we will judge at the same time spontaneously reap what we had sowed.  

The articles in this column are compiled by The Naga Blog administrators. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Naga Blog.  

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