Trinity Theological College 27th Graduation Ceremony held

Trinity Theological College, Thahekhu celebrated its 27th Graduation Ceremony on April 22.

Thahekhu, April 22 (MExN): Trinity Theological College, Thahekhu celebrated its 27th Graduation Ceremony on April 22. A total of four students in the M Th. program and 42 students in the BD program graduated during the ceremony. 

The event commenced with address by Rev Dr Atsi Dolie, Former President of NBCC. Emphasising key aspects of the gospel, Rev Dr Dolie urged the graduates to embrace their duty to communicate, suffer for, treasure, and guard the gospel. His words resonated deeply with the audience, setting the tone for the rest of the ceremony.

A highlight of the event was the recognition of academic excellence and exemplary service through proficiency awards. Among the recipients was Topuli K Awomi-Faculty Award for Academic Excellence in M.Th. and Moi-om H Phom -the Principal Award for Best Disciple in Christian Living in the BD program. Tovika Zhimomi - Dr Hokishe Sema Award for Social Service; K Shing Jacob - Sumi Baptist Convention Award for Best Sermon, Ihezhe Zhimo Award, Religion and Society, Governing Board Award for General Proficiency, and Church Leaders Fellowship-WSBAK Award for Christian Ministry; Bhawesh Pradhan-Faculty Award for Academic Excellence, Rev Dr Najekhu Award -Scripture Knowledge, and Ihezhe Zhimo Award for Religion and Society; Kito K Shohe -Ivulho Shohe Award for Biblical Studies.

The governing board chairman, Rev Dr Pughoto Sema, released the annual magazine. The ceremony also witnessed the commissioning and dedication of the graduands, presided over by Rev Dr Khehovi Shohe, Director of SBC. Diploma awards were presented by Rev Dr Hukato N Shohe, Principal of TTC, along with Dr Akatoli Chishi, Academic Dean, and Dr Imsu Longchar, Dean of Higher Studies.

The event was attended by a host of well-wishers and relatives, who gathered to witness the grand ceremony and celebrate the accomplishments of the graduates.