Weather based integrated agro advisory for the month of November 2020

Total monthly rainfall received in Dimapur district during October month was 175.7 mm which was 75% more than the normal (long term annual average). The number of rainy days was 8. Southwest Monsoon has withdrawn from the entire country on, the 28th October 2020.

Keeping in view of threat of COVID-19 spread farmers are advised to follow the government guidelines, personal hygiene, use mask, ensure hand washing with soap at reasonable interval, social distancing during picking of vegetables and other agricultural operation in all crops.


1. Ginger: Ginger crop may be harvested when the foliages turn yellow and drop off (generally takes 7-8 months to mature).

For seed rhizomes, the ginger rhizomes should be allowed to mature adequately (8-9 months) and efficient storage techniques should be adopted to minimize the storage loss and conserve the seed rhizomes before the ensuing planting season. It may be stored in a pit of convenient size in sheds, where the walls of the pits may be coated with cowdung paste. Place the seed rhizomes in the pits in layers along with well dried sand/sawdust/straw and plaster the pit with a paste of cowdung and mud, keeping one or two small holes for aeration.

2. Cabbage: Monitoring should be done for cutworm. Caterpillars hide in the daytime and feed at night. It damages by cutting down the young plants just above the ground level. Pick and destroy the larvae at the early stage of the crop.

During the whole crop duration two to three weedings are sufficient to control the weeds followed by earthing up. Earthing up should be done after every weeding to produce solid heads. Shallow hoeing should be done to remove weeds and loosen the soil for better aeration. Deep hoeing should be avoided, as the cabbage roots are surface feeders.

Animal Science Poultry:

1.     As winter months approach, get ready for protecting the birds from cold by arranging filament bulbs, checking and repairing electrical wiring etc. 

2.     As daylength is reducing, there will be a fall in egg production. To reduce the effects of reduced day length on egg production, artificial lighting should be installed.  Only low wattage lights are needed, a single 25 to 40 watt bulb On before sunset and Off at about 10 pm is sufficient. Increase the feed intake.

3.     Keep the deep litter as dry as possible.

4.     Provide high energy feeds.

5.     In case of chicks, be vigilant to prevent overcrowding and suffocation.

6.     Diseases like infectious coryza could occur. Therefore be ready with medicine to treat the condition. Sick bird should be immediately separated/ culled from healthy flock. Dead birds should be buried or burnt. Do not dispose in open bins where scavengers can reach.

7.     Continue deworming and vaccinations on schedule.

8.     Continue maintaining hygiene and strict biosecurity.

9.     Provide clean drinking water.


1.     Maintain strict hygiene and biosecurity protocol.

2.    Preparation for provision of warmth and protection from cold should be done as the winter months approach.

3.     Provide the right concentrate ration for different pig categories.

4.     Higher energy component in feeds can be added during winter months.

5.     Continue deworming and vaccinating on schedule.

6.    Excess hair on tail can be cut off/ trimmed.

7.    Castration should be carried out using aseptic means.

8.     Needle teeth of piglets can be cut using a disinfected nail cutter.

9.    Sheds and floors must be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

10. Occurrence of most of the diseases can be prevented by following strict hygienic measure and by timely vaccination of pigs.


1.     Follow the procedure of the previous month.

2.     Feeding should be continued @ 16 kg/day/ha.

3.     In winter months, fish are under stress and may show symptoms like erratic swimming behaviour, not eating, gasping at the surface, and others, including mortalities. If such symptoms are observed, immediately stop feeding, liming and manuring. Consult an expert for remedial measures.

4.     Aquatic weed especially the floating weeds should be removed, so that the pond receives enough sunlight.

5.     Remove pond bottom debris to avoid deterioration of water quality.

6.     Partial harvest can be done.

7.     Occurrence of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) disease is very common during winter months. In order to prevent occurrence of EUS, following measures should be taken.

*     Maintain water pH at around 8.0 steadily throughout the winter season. 

*     Avoid netting as far as possible during the winter months.

*     Scoop out the dead and moribund fishes and bury them at a distant place mixing with quick lime.

*     Do not share fish harvesting net of others as they may carry the germs.

8.     Diseased or injured fish should be dipped in 1 ppm KMnO4 (Potassium Permanganate) solution for 1 minute and then release into the pond.