From Where Do The FNR Get Its Power?

Once when Jesus was walking in a hard pressing crowded Street in a City, one woman touched the frill of his cloth and immediately she was cured of her nagging infirmity of many years. Jesus immediately asked as to who touched him because he felt his Power flow out of him in that instant. Ultimately it was found out a woman touched his cloth and immediately she was healed. The woman felt embarrassed but Jesus said her faith has healed her and not to be worried.
All Organizations generate Power from its members deciding to jointly work for a common purpose. The Members constituting an Organization generate the Power out of their common purpose. There must be some permanence in the Membership of the Group if it were to generate Power; a fleeting Crowd in a City Street, a heterogeneous Soccer Fan, big as it may be, don’t constitute an Organization and do not generate Power.
For an Organization in its simplest form, to have Power, it must have:
i.      Constituent permanent Members who are the Foundation,
ii.     Common Purpose or Aim.
Sometimes, the Constituent Member may be a single founding Person with a strong singular Aim of popular acceptance from the unseen public. The Anna Hazare Crowd at Ramlila Ground at Delhi a month back did not constitute the members of a formal Organization but all in the Crowd present or even those absent shared his one singular Purpose in Common; and that was to do away with Corruption from the brow of India. Such a common Aim represented by a single founding Member even without the presence of the constituent Members may generate tremendous Power of Purpose.
The FNR appears such a Forum germinated from a Cult-like Prayer Group known Shisha Hoho gathered at Clock Tower Dimapur; FNR may not have formal constituent members of Church Associations but it carries the sum total of the goodwill of all Churches in Nagaland and Nagas for Peace and Re-conciliation among the fractious feuding, violent and fearful Naga National Groups.
One area the FNR is sometimes seen straying out of its call of responsibility is in  its frequent harping s of worldly terms like: ‘Unique History of the Nagas’, ‘the political rights of the Nagas’ etc as if it is the Trade Representative of those Sectors and ordained Speakers, Ph.D. in Theology, appear more familiar with political phrases like ‘KUKNALIM’, ‘the Naga Nation’ and ‘Naga Nationalism’ at the end of speeches at  so-called “historic meetings” than with ‘Kingdom of God’, ‘Glory be to God’ or ‘Hallelujah’!*?
FNR is not supposed to stray beyond its brief into the historical Gospel of the Nagas or to lengthy treaties on political rights of the Nagas; its brief is pure and simple and precise: to confine within Peace and Reconciliation in the Nagas, nothing more nothing less.
 The FNR must try to behave secular, true but its Electricity Power flows from the goodwill and hopes of the Christian Churches of the Nagas, helped by the Baptist goodwill from America and not from the Governments. Once the FNR looses its Spiritual connections with its Generator, no Electricity may flow.