Are schools doing enough to ensure student discipline in Nagaland?

Some of those who voted  yes had this to say:
•    Don’t blame technology, peers, teachers, society etc for the actions of our children. Innocent minds at the formative years are like cameras, capturing whatever grown ups do at home.
•    Yes, Children of real God fearing people are well behaved at home as well as outside. The obnoxious unruly behaviors of some children are a reflection of who or what their parents are.
•    Yes, schools are doing enough to ensure that the students develop their discipline at the maximum. The indiscipline of the students cannot be dealt by the school alone. It is the parents of those students who are lacking to teach their child about the discipline and are cut loose in all factor. The disciplining of the child starts at home and means with society. The indiscipline of a child at school is merely a reflection of how the parents are ignorant when it comes to disciplining their child.
•    From one point of view, I think the schools are doing an okay job, considering the violent culture that Nagas are trapped into and also because there is a unfair expectations on teachers to deliver the goods, when the goods are still very raw. IF the profession of teaching was held highly and given its due respect and recognition, I am sure the quality and standard of school discipline will improve.
•    Yes, we cannot blame or expect the school authorities to do all the disciplining! We must first discipline our children at home so that they will be well mannered wherever they go!
•    Yes, we are really making students learn the true meaning of discipline that comes from self control, understanding and esteem. Now a days almost every private school have discipline committee to look at the student discipline, which I did not see in government schools till now.
•    Considering the insulting salary our society gives to our teachers who teach the most crucial period of a human being, yes. Discipline starts at home. Family not school to be blamed 1st. Number of kids without a conscience is increasing. Poor parenting is the culprit. 
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
•    School discipline is becoming a very serious matter of concern. Just look at the school kids around Dimapur and Kohima. They have no regard for discipline and respect. I must say that the schools in Nagaland by and large are failing to take stock of the situation. This requires a collective effort, if not, the youths of today, will end up no better, if not worse, than the goons and politicians that we have now.
•    Because Naga student are very naughty and proud
•    No, The school uniform is not uniform anymore. They are so vulgar. We can see even drunk students in uniform. They have no respect for elders and are irresponsible. 
•    Not implementing strict rules and regulations
•    Gone r the days when the teacher-student relationship was sacred n held very high. The teachers were the most feared humans in schools. But now, sadly the its the reverse. The students hardly submit to their part as students. The teachers cannot control them now. The system has changed. Schools are not able to hold up the sacred relationship that was there few years back.
•    Imparting disciplines and good values to the students comes last, more than this, getting maximum number of students into their respective institutions becomes the first priority. It has become a business in our state. so long as they get fees from the  students, they don't care whether the students are disciplined or not.
•    No, not at all. 100% disagree. A teacher scolded high school student and next thing that the teacher sees is a gang coming to bash him up that’s a general that everyone knows. But me personally be a students feel that prevention is better than cure that counts a child from standard 1. Every school must consult a psychologist how to deal with the psychology of a student if we want to take schooling to a whole new level wisdom is very vast. We think that we think that ……….we think lots of things bizarre or nice things. So I conclude by saying thinking can make all the difference. think twice before you speak but when we speak action speaks louder than words. But thinking is the inner voice. 
•    The school managements are afraid of the students families, social organizations which would overact in case the discipline is strictly ensured in schools in Nagaland. The schools in Nagaland have become truly professional, they are now bothered only in imparting syllabus not molding the character. This is in no way good for the youth / future of children..indiscipline is increasing among the youth today, because the disciplining side of the schools which used to exist earlier has taken back seat due to various reasons.  

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    A child’s discipline begins from home. An undisciplined child reflects what the parents are and under what circumstances they were brought up. I always keep in mind a maxim my father use to say “Thata Nü Mo” literally meaning, not disciplined by the parents. So why blame the schools for the ugly behaviors of the students. What can the school authorities do? They cannot use the cane, because of human rights issue, the parents blindly support their child, another maxim from my father “Ohi Mü Nhatsumi Yopehe” meaning, don’t support your dog and your child, they maybe at wrong, some parents even go to the extent of threatening the teachers and school authorities when the misdeeds of their children are brought to their notice. So it does not mean the schools (not all, some are just for money) are not doing anything to discipline their students, they are doing the best they can under trying conditions through rules and regulations framed by the management. Even then, they are those unfits, whose parents cannot even control, who create problems and funny but the fact is these parents put the whole blame on the schools. An advice to the schools, expel those students who don’t obey the rules, irrespective of their parent’s position, they don’t belong to decent society. Parents, discipline your child and don’t blame others. 
•    The emergence of gangs in schools and the gang fights between schools are a dangerous trend. If not checked, we may start witnessing gunfights between gangs. Parents must keep an eye out and schools must enforce strict measures against use of any object as weapons.
•    Naga parents are not doing what responsible parents ought to do. Whipping is not the solution, neither is spoiling and indulging them with too much of anything the solution. Parenting in Nagaland is a serious concern. It is the elephant in the room which no one wants to admit. Its the lack of good parenting that has caused so much of problems in the Naga situation. The parents expect the teachers in school to do all the disciplining and when their children returns home, the parents want to shower and give them everything they have (most of the time, even more than what they have). This may be one reason why both the home and the students have not become good environment for learning. The Naga parents cannot pass on the buck to the teachers. The parents must carry their own share of responsibilities in raising children. Parents need to be more objective, they cannot act just emotionally. Parents cannot only think about the welfare of their children for today, but must think and prepare them for the future. Most of the Naga children are not prepared for the future, neither are they prepared to independently live. Naga parents have failed and this is why Naga society has failed too.
•    Yes, but no. More business mind. Get less integrity work culture. Simplicity in quality. More or less losing ways of Naga living value…
•    Schools in Nagaland need better teachers. The bogus appointments and the bad habit of putting your kin or others as political appointees has destroyed the reputation of teachers in Nagaland. The Naga politicians were ignorant and too selfish to realize that the bogus and political appointment of teachers were one day going to destroy their children's future. I think that day has already come now. The quality of teaching in Nagaland is horrendous and so we cant expect them to do much as far as disciplining is concerned. A new generation of teachers must be developed so that the quality of schooling improves. If not, Nagas will be lost as far as education is concerned.
•    I would like to see schools take more initiative to promote relationship between parents and teachers, so that they can jointly help in raising and preparing children to face the world. IN other parts of the world, the school-parent relationship is very important, but in Nagaland you hardly see this being promoted and very often you find children turning one against the other. If parent and teacher were to have better communication and understanding, there would be little room for children to play them against each other. I hope that schools will initiate something on this matter.
•    I am surprised that schools in Nagaland dont encourage sports of all discipline all through the year. I have been in a boarding school all through my life. Our routine was nicely balanced between academics, extra-curricular activities like hobbies, arts, music, etc and sports. Too much focus only on academics is not good and is especially not good for discipline. Likewise, too much focus only on one area is not good. I will schools in Nagaland would really think and work hard on bringing out a curriculum that will look at academics, sports and extra curricular activities in a wholistic manner. I feel this way, it will also contribute to better discipline.
•    With the exception of a few schools the rest is by and large descending into degrading level as a result of slackness in discipline. A sign of the times vividly pointing not only towards school but home too where one learns a first lesson of basic discipline through obedience to parents, teachers, elders, etc. Modern technological products, i.e. devices, gadgets, you name it, because no doubt part and parcel of our daily lives but the fringe of student community needs to be educated more about a productive and beneficial usage of the aforesaid while all the stakeholders of educational institution must take the initiative in a sustainable way to come up with a novel and innovative plan and strategy to closely regulate and monitor the unhealthy activities of the fringe students on the premises. Quality education can never be branded as a public commodity nor reduced to those pretty catchy phrases which exists only on paper here in our state.

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