Are young Entrepreneurs contributing to the growth of development in Nagaland?

Some of those who voted  yes had this to say:
•    Yes, young entrepreneurs are beginning to make their presence felt. Given the right kind of encouragement and opportunity they have greater potentials to make much more contribution.
•    People should realize the fact that we Nagas are in pathetic condition and we need the real understanding that we are the people whom our deeds and action can make a difference for the better man of whole being.
•    Yes, very much. The young Naga entrepreneur are contributing towards the development of our state. Any positive venture taken by them greatly helps in eliminating unemployment problem in its own small ways. There are many more wanna be entrepreneurs, who can excel in their ventures and strengthen our economy, but unwilling to take the steps due to illegal taxations from our so called freedom fighters, who sucks our bloods dry. There were instances where taxes are demanded even before the sale of a single item for new entrants. This greatly discourages the young Nagas from taking up such ventures. Its high time we remove the parasites from our land. Let my Nagaland prosper.
•    Its good to see more and more young people turning away from government jobs and looking at exploring and expanding the private sector. Unless the private sector is developed in Nagaland, the economy will never take off and development will be a sham.
•    Time has come to give the batten in the young hands. How long the old generation will carry it by them selves. The problem which are state is facing could have solved long back if the young people would have involved. Time has come to prepare to shine not with guns and bombs but with the pen in hands, to show the world that Nagas are capable.
•    Yes, there has been a marked sea of change in the local market these days. Now you seem the young Naga entrepreneurs breaking the monopoly once held by Marwaris and Biharis and Punjabis and Mias. At least these days, young Nagas are entering into entrepreneurs. This is a big step forward. For a society that was heavily dependent on government jobs, the young entrepreneurs are doing a splendid job and are really making some changes. Their contribution make seem small now, but after a few years, we will know how much they have really contributed. Small drops of water make a mighty ocean.
•    Ever since the Ao Students Conference took the decision to ask all illegal migrants in Mokokchung to leave the district, you can see how young Naga entrepreneurs have been contributing to society. If all the Naga tribes were to take a similar position, it will give Naga entrepreneurs the real opportunity to show their caliber and capacity. Right now everything is monopolized by non-local businessmen and the nexus between politicians-bureaucrats-non-local businessmen-underground is just too strong and this is not giving chance for the young Naga entrepreneurs to flourish. The Aos has led by example in Mokokchung, I hope other Naga tribes will also follow. 
•    To a certain extent yes. Of late…things are visibly striking positive from youth endeavors. Had government been fair enough in supporting genuinely identified persons…things will do much better. Political favoritism, bureaucratic level corruption still rules the day. And our youths never voice but stays aloof unlike other states’ picture. Few many lot are progressing on their own…while also rich man’s prodigies too showing up creating city touch exotic enterprises eg. Usual way boutiques, restaurants, etc. Time to rise up to speak up. Year of entrepreneurship is a 10 crore show piece budget?
•    It does not matter how much the young business entrepreneurs are contributing at the moment at this going modest pace. But one thing I can defy any critic or skeptic out there by making this humble statement: The entrepreneurship in Nagaland holds a promising future ahead as they are destined to be the driving force behind the economic growth and developmental activities in the state. Thus, what the current DAN-led govt and its brainbox and policy makers need to pay an utmost attention now is infrastructural developments in all fronts while encouraging and promoting public-private-partnership by creating a conducive and enticing atmosphere to let our state also be one of the top investment friendly states of NE region. This aforesaid development must come to pass in the first place in order to unleash great entrepreneurship potentiality of our budding entrepreneurs who are bound to be the bulwark of the future economic growth of the state.         
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
•    Their contribution is not being felt yet. The government has given ample incentives to entrepreneurs but it seems like the results are not showing. Either because the government policy is faulty or because the entrepreneurs are just not doing enough to contribute to society.
•    No, because some young people had its talent to work but they are uneducated so entrepreneurs should not be based on education.
•    Its a BIG NO. Its actually about MARKET. Without Market no entrepreneurs can prosper. Government is investing on the entrepreneur but doing nothing about Market. so where is the LOGIC. crores of money being spent already, no Market, entrepreneurs are starving... tats the logic!
•    In a dependent economic situation like Nagaland, its very difficult for anyone to contribute. Everything is in shambles and so no one can actually expect our young entrepreneurs to make any concrete contribution at the moment. The fact that they are doing some business itself is a great effort that must be lauded.
•    Nagaland is a state where there is no private sector, so how does one expect the young entrepreneurs to make any significant contribution. For all we know they must be just trying to keep alive against all odds. In the midst of all kinds of corruption, taxes, nepotism and favoritism, its difficult to be on the top.
•    They are more concern about church funding rather then public
•    95% of the young entrepreneurs are sons and daughters of Ministers, secretaries, Directors, Chief engineers, rich contractors etc.. Their parents have setup their business by cleverly diverting the funds meant for developing the state and the citizen. How can there be growth or development when they have used up the public money for their business. There are few individuals who have saved or taken bank loans to establish their business and working hard but are not heard of much coz they cannot afford to invest more than Rs.10 lakhs.., so it hardly creates a stir or generate interest to the media, govt. or to public. There can never be growth or economic development when public development funds are being misappropriated and used for own personal interest. I wonder from where and how this entrepreneurs gets crores of rupees, when there are no millionaires investors in Nagaland (except mentioned above). A big NO, instead it has become counter productive and affected development growth.
•    How many genuine young entrepreneurs do we see? Most of the Businesses that we see in the state are either owned by sons & daughters & wifes  of big shots. O don't call this Entrepreneurs. But their are few who are and the state need more of those without interference from any other elements.  

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    Young Entrepreneurs have much to contribute to the society. With the fast changing world, they are more up to date with the happenings around the world and are more creative in their expressions. Unfortunately, they are also hampered by taxation. Today most of the young entrepreneurs are hesitating to take up any venture because of the tax they have to pay not to one but 4-5 factions. This is just ridiculous.
•    In Nagaland where we dont have any economic infrastructure and where we do not have a business market, what can we say. No one is making any real contribution to the development of Naga markets, whether it is politicians, business community, bureaucrats or name it, no one is making any real contribution. Everyone is only just trying to make it. Its about survival of the fittest. Nagaland does not have a economic infrastructure where hard working men and women and benefit and make a living. Its all about survival here in Nagaland. So in this situation, young entrepreneurs are trying to survive as well. Their contributions are more social than economic.
•    Very little, it’s not seen!!!!
•    How can they contribute when society is not giving them a chance to grow and mature into entrepreneurs in the real sense. Naga society has become a cut throat competition where people are fighting over small resources. Nagaland today is the poorest state in the entire northeast and yet our life style is the most expensive in the region. These contradictions are not helping us to develop. If we expect young entrepreneurs to make any contribution to the development of our society, than it is only fair that they are also given due chance and opportunity to grow and mature.   

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