Tokani L. Asst. Prof., St. Joseph’s College, JakhamaRealize that you are magnificent in human form and your potential is unlimited. You truly are unique and there is no one in the universe with the exact
On my 30th birthday I had gone for a haircut. I walked all the way from my home to the saloon in town on foot. I was conscious and in my right sense I guess. But I was somewhat oblivious of the things and the p
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. - JIM ROHN, America’s foremost business philosopherMd. TabrejDirector, Dept.
It is not just a sobering thought. It is a thought filled with the deepest dread, the most unimaginable despair and the highest degree of sadness. For those of us who came into a world after the event of Chri
Atsung Imchen: First, what are the criteria for those members who make the decision on what will be what for this event? Seeing the way things have been planned and orchestrated it seems like people are just pl
GL Khing: FOR PRINCIPALS, STUDENTS & PARENTS:- Selection Exams for Cl. X & XII are over in most of the Schools in Nagaland. I still wonder as to why the Schools have to collect money under numerous reas
So many young men are dying of alcohol poisoning, and bootlegging business is thriving in Nagaland. Can we create a safe space for reasoning together?
Nona Arhe
The morning was balmy outside. Inside, in a
Kevitho Nightwing Kera: I do not agree to some certain practices of some Churches:
1. 'Forced donations' is one. To build a church or to celebrate something, some churches dictate donations in
Yanpvuo Kikon: EVERYBODY IS A VICTIM OF ILLEGAL TAXATION! Under which Govt ACT/RULE are the police, motor vehicle associations, municipal & town councils (Besides local levies outside the purview of Central
I love my mother tongue, and for that matter I love your mother tongue too. I wish I could live multiple lives experiencing the different cultures that each language carries, for language is the biggest carrie
Kevin Yepthomi Naga
Even after more than fifty years of statehood, and we are yet to witness good roadways in Nagaland. Right from farmers unable to transport their produce, to patients dying before reaching
Yanpvuo Yanfo Kikon
Never too late to improve our beloved city and save our embarrassment through a collaborative effort from all sections of the society... Sorom ase de...
The facade of this beaut
Dr. Hormila G ZingkhaiAssistant Professor, Department of Sociology St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama For someone who loves to eat, my keen interest in food and gastronomies has been vividly burgeoning as I
Bentilo Kath: Today, as usual caught up in the horrendous hour long traffic jam, my car engine got overheated and shut off and just wouldn't start. I let vehicles go past me in that slow traffic, while I tr
Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) is considered to be one of the most brilliant and intelligent men that ever lived on this planet. In fact his brilliance and intelligence was considered so much extraordinary tha
Meshenlo Kath 1) Greatly effecting our economy by reducing the working efficiency to minimum. 2) Great possibility of patient's death on their way to hospital. 3) Many more problems... (You k
Varun Kapoor, IPS Additional Director General of Police, Narcotics and PRTS, Indore Marriage in India is also a big business. There are numerous types of marriages too. Marriage in India is considered a
G.L.Khing: Is it necessary for Nagas to transport their traditional headgear and attires upto Delhi to appease someone (as many politicians often do)? Today, we blame Shashi Tharoor for his seemingly negative c
Kevitho Nightwing Kera: With the Draft of NRC out in Assam and over 40 lakh people without their names in the list, Will they pour into Nagaland?
Will our corrupt Naga policemen and border offi
Varun Kapoor, IPS Additional Director General of Police, Narcotics and PRTS, Indore Making money from shame has never been so easy. Technology and the virtual world have made it so simple that it has