
    Neithongunuo Angela BelhoAssistant Professor, Dept. of Botany, St. Josephs College, Jakhama  Sustainable living. When we talk about sustainable living in general sense, it is a way of adapting a lifestyle
  • My experience on discrimination
    PK Kendy Pamei: Having been the migrant worker from the North Eastern part of India is indeed challenging. The day I left my school, it was always a dream to get a prestigious job and work sincerely in any part
  • Bureaucrat-Turned-Politician: Fleecing the Same Public Twice
    Saying negative things about others shouldn’t become a habit and must be avoided if possible. But in politics, nothing can be considered off limits, or should be, if it concerns the public. That’s w
      Rev. Fr. C. Joseph Counsellor, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama  “Being an effective person-centred counsellor is not so much a matter of possessing skills and knowledge, but of having a particular
  • Why Not Limit Terms for Elected Offices?
    Ancient Greeks established the democratic foundations of much of the way our world governs, one of which was placing a limitation on the number of terms that an elected official could serve in office. Similarly
  • The Medicinal Plants Imbroglio
      Visiehuno Rosa KesiezieAssistant Professor, Department of Botany, St. Joseph’s College Jakhama  A lot has been written and talked about medicinal plants and their healing powers in different print
  • Another Betrayal on the Horizon
    As the New Year 2017 dawned, the Nagas were greeted with very disturbing news that was enough to give any person with true Naga blood in him sleepless nights. With the New Year came the news of the Indian and M
  • Some Power-Addict Incumbents are beyond Public Usefulness
    Pervez Musharraf, a former military chief, seized power in a bloodless coup in 1999, deposing the then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and then rising to become Pakistan’s Prime Minister himself. His undemocr
  • Towards Cashless Society
      M. Gopiraman SinghAssistant Professor, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama  India’s demonetization initiative towards developing a cashless economy has opened other avenues to make payments. Despite o
  • The Two Missing Ingredients in Naga Politics
    A little over seven decades after the coming of Christianity into the Naga homeland in 1872, some of our early Naga leaders possibly came to a belief that God has a special geo-political plan for our people. Pe
  • Is it Right for Christians to Overthrow Their Government?
    In line with a good majority of our Nagaland population, I too strongly feel that our current government has lost the moral support of our people as demonstrated in the recent case of the ULB election that resu
  • The Very Heart of the Matter
    When God created man and woman and placed them in the garden, God’s intention was to let them complement each other and not to contradict each other. Yes, both of them were similar and the same in the sense t
  • Setting Up an Upper House via Article 371A
    At a meeting with some of the most trusted senior leaders of the Angami and Chakhasang tribes on December 19, 2016, I made a presentation on our society’s need to have a statewide mandated body of elders
  • Message from the youths
      While we proclaim to be a Christian State we tend to showcase the best examples of being Christians to the rest of the country and the world. If people around the world search 'Nagaland' in Googl
  • Making our Municipal System Less Partisan & More Autonomous
    As per the Census of India, the urban population of Nagaland in 1981 was 1.2 lakhs, which increased to 3.5 lakhs in 2001. After that, our State has registered a decadal growth rate of 69%, as opposed to the ave
  • People’s Empowerment: The Key To Development
    Vekutu Vese Assistant Professor Department of Political Science St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama  “Vigilance is the price of liberty”, said Laski, the famous political thinker. However, true liberty can
  • The Missteps in Handling Women Reservation and Municipal Election
    Our Naga men’s position in regard to the Women Reservation (WR) is based on tradition of the past, not on logic or rationality of modern time; whereas our women’s position is based on social justice
    All leadership is responsible for influencing followers to perform an action, complete a task, or behave in a specific manner. Effective leaders influence process, stimulate change in subordinate's attitudes an
  • The Phenomenon of Migration
    Migration is a world-wide phenomenon. Animals and birds migrate in search of food, habitat and in accordance with season. Men migrate in search of food, shelter, work and better life. At times, men are forced t
  • Opposition Parties and Dissenting Voices as Growth Essentials for Society
    “Rulers always have and always will find it dangerous to their security to permit people to think, believe, talk, write, assemble, and particularly to criticize the government as they please,” said
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