We have just witnessed another edition of the FIFA World Cup which is often dubbed as the greatest show on earth. Every time the FIFA World Cup comes around in 4 years, my world also comes to a standstill as I
Fr. Joe MariadhasSt. Joseph’s College, Jakhama Aspirations are inner motives in professional achievement. Aspirations bring changes in life and enable one to achieve the best and the highest level one c
Vemedo J KezoAsst. Professor, Department Of Education St. Joseph’s College Jakhama Introduction: There are many who want to lead by virtue of boosting their positional image but there are few who are ac
Md. TabrejDirector, Dept. of Business Administration St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama Ethics is a philosophical term originating from Greek word “Ethos” meaning custom or character. It is concern
In a poll conducted in The Naga Blog “What do you think are the necessary steps to provide quality education to all children studying in Govt schools of Nagaland?”, the below options were the maximu
The idea of God is a universal phenomenon. It transcends the boundaries of time, place, people, race and culture. In other words, every society, every culture, every kind of people and race and every era of hum
“All children should be taught to unconditionally accept, approve, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and ultimately, love their own person.” – Asa Don Brown Rev. Fr. C. JosephCounsellor, St. Josep
Nagaland is plagued by many issues today. Matters like corruption, erosion of moral values, greed, lack of dignity of labour, search for easy money, widening gap between the rich and the poor, lack of punctuali
Md. TabrejDirector, Dept. of BBA, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama Being self-motivated means being ready for driven, focused discussion and behavior. It also means being sharp and smart enough not to be m
In the last 70 years or so, a web of lies and deceit has come to engulf the whole of Nagaland. This lie and deceit was hatched by the Indian leaders who took over the reins of power when the British withdrew fr
Vemedo J KezoAsst. Professor, Department of Education St. Joseph’s College Jakhama “Un reflected life is not worth living,” says Socrates. This maxim was uttered thousand years ago from the great sp
Varun Kapoor, IPS
Additional Director General of Police, Narcotics and PRTS, Indore
The coming of the security cameras or CCTV cameras as they are more commonly named has brought about a revolution
For a newly married couple, nothing can be sweeter than the honeymoon. For love marriages wherein the couples get married after being madly in love with one another, the honeymoon is even more precious and swee
Today we live in a rather materialistic-minded society where everything is counted and measured in terms of money. Living with such a mindset we are perhaps missing out on many vital things which can make our l
The oxford dictionary describes a fugitive as “a person who has escaped from captivity or is in hiding”. As one reads this article, one will find that this article is more tilted towards a person who is in
It is said that the Mid-Day Meal scheme in schools has a long history in India. Sources say that it was way back in 1925 that a Mid Day Meal Program was introduced for disadvantageous children in Madras Municip
Athong Makury
Nagas have been struggling for more than seventy years to be a free people and to exercise our sovereign rights. However, till date the struggle to chart our own destiny continues amidst the ga
Dr. Temsula Ao
It is ‘a complex fate’ being a Naga. But in our context, it is a double edged sword because the complexity lies not only in the way ‘outsiders’ view us but also
Pamyo Chamrui
At the very outset let me assert the plurality of my identity. I am Naga, yet, I belong to a particular clan, a village, and a ‘nation’. I enjoy the cultural privileges within my so
Dr Esther Konyak
A study of human interaction with the natural world or, in other words, the interaction between culture and nature deepens our understanding of how we have been affected by the natural