
  • Don’t Shoot the Messenger
    In the olden times when there was no internet, no telephone, no television, no radio, no telegram etc, the only means through which two nations at war with one another could communicate was the message delivere
  • The Manifesto of Clean Election and Beyond
    Vemedo J Kezo Dept. of Education, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama  It is heartening to see the Church in Nagaland strenuously promoting the idea of Clean Election. The jargon of Clean Election has bec
  • A Look at Consumerism in Naga Society
    The Compact Oxford Dictionary which I have describes ‘Consumerism’ as “the preoccupation of society with buying goods”. If that is the definition of Consumerism, I have absolutely no hesitation in sayin
  • Interview and Self confidence
    Y. Lumchio PattonAsst. Prof., Dept. of Sociology, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama  Interview and Self confidenceAfter successfully completing education, every young individual looks for a decent, well-payi
  • STRESS MANAGEMENT: Techniques, Methods And Beyond
     Vemedo JkezoAsst. Prof., Dept. Of Education, St. Joseph’s College Jakhama  Management is the buzzword in today’s parlance of corporate world. The degree of your efficiency in your corporate life
  • The Great Divide
    In almost every human society and era of human history, one or the other factor has always caused division amongst the people. During the time when Gandhi went to South Africa as a young lawyer, the phenomenon
       “…this is the only home we have and, as environmentalist are fond of saying Mother Nature doesn’t do bailouts… So, we better find a better way to grow”.- Thomas L. FriedmanKelengol Neikha
    Rev. Fr. C. Joseph-Counsellor St. Joseph’s College-Jakhama  “Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of Mental illness.”  Anxiety symptoms are the Rosetta stone of the suffer
  • The Corrosion of Naga Society
    Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774) was an Irish novelist, play-writer and poet and he wrote some of the most celebrated novels, plays and poems of the 18th century. But apart from his novels, plays and poems, Goldsmi
  • Quality education ahoy
    R. Hingba PaulAsst. Prof., St. Josephs’ College Jakhama, Kohima, Nagaland “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”, Nelson MandelaWhat is real education to this modern
  • Inner Resource And Choice
    Vemedo J KezoAsst. Professor, Dept. Of Education, St. Joseph’s College Jakhama  PRELUDEAll of us carry a buried treasure within us. Not realising that they are the potential for making our life more mean
  • What Nagaland needs right now is focus more on education and work; less on entertainment, arts or lifestyle
      Yanpvuo Yanfo Kikon:  Did you know?   The Despacito singer (cover song which went viral few days back) Zuchobeni Tungoe is actually pursuing her CIVIL ENGINEERING? Young Piano mae
  • Putting God First, The Success Secret!
    “Put God first and you’ll never be last.”  Fr. C. Joseph, CounsellorSt. Joseph’s College, Jakhama  How would your life be different today if every decision you ever made was done with the advi
  • Leaders or Dealers
    The English words ‘Leaders’ and ‘Dealers’ have the same six alphabets but it is the positions of the alphabets ‘L’ and ‘D’ that make the difference. In other words, we can turn one of these word
  • Humility and Leadership
    MD Tabrej, Director,Dept. of Business Administration, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama.  “Humility is nothing but truth and pride is nothing but lying” - St. Vincent de Paul  In a global marke
  • Go The Scientific Way
    Kailalamuan SingphunAsst. Prof. Department of Chemistry, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama  Science is a systematized body of knowledge and the western thinkers made a singular contribution to the
  • The Simmering Workforce
    It is said that “Work is Pride”. But it is quite apparent that this phrase does not hold much sense and meaning for most Nagas today. Many Nagas today fail to find pride in their work. They don’t find pri
  • The Practice of Literature in the Age of Digitals
    James H.KHead, Dept. of English, SJC, Jakhama  How is literature practiced in The Age of Digitals? With the speedy advancement and progress made in the technologies, how does literature flourish? How does
  • Dilemmas for Nagaland Engineering Aspirants: Why NIT Nagaland?
    With the emergence of unauthentic educational institutions (including technical educational institutions) on one hand and well advertised institutions offering scholarships, discounts and other privileges, it i
  • “Customary Laws”
    Customary Law and factors that necessitate codification of tribal customary laws and its application in tribal societies in the North- East India.  Karaiba JamesAsst. Prof. Dept of Political Science St. Jo
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