• As long as human society exists then human trafficking would not stop its inevitable. 2)Human society had been going through human trafficking as well as other bad things from time imme
• Yes, AI system will improve the attendance of teachers in schools thought at first it might face some problems but if continue thoroughly... they'll easily get to know t
Improve land acquisition
• Most of the delay in implementation of road projects is due the land owners claiming compensation after the work has started. Government should make agreement
• Delegate it to UPSC, don't trust Nagas.
• All advertisements should be published in all leading newspapers and media platforms... Secondly, application to
• Along with the all the trends and fashion, even the bad influence is taking over. Ragging and bullying is been seen now even in lower classes as low as class 3-4, forget abo
• We must check on each other. Not simply throwing our personal waste but make sure that our next door did the same.
• Impose heavy fines/penalty that's the
• Part of this could be attributed to our kindness and generousness as Nagas.
• This is generally the trend in our society. Too many people are ever re
• It's all about how to get more money by increasing the fees every year by citing new reasons each time and deviating from the actual goal and purpose. Parents are left w
• Everyone has witnessed the surge in substance abuse in Nagaland for the past three or four years and has taken its toll on the users and families and society. The issue in Nagaland is t
• Take the example of Hyderabad market where vegetable waste are used to produce electricity and bio manure. For RRR to be implemented we first need to o sensitize the peopl
• First, the state should seek special help from the Church for is effective role in providing spiritual freedom from such bondage. The govt should call upon the student community especia
• No, as long as those who are indulging in corrupt practices without any recourse to law, there will be random misuse of development resources for personal gains. It is high
• With the time immoral the women are also taking active part in politics arena.
• Because we have seen in the recently 14th NLA Election, where 4 wo
• The legitimacy of customary law is derived from international law and human rights and so whenever there is a clash between the two, the human rights must be upheld.
• Because they will see the potential in our Land, being the Center in the Asian South East there will be an opportunity and good spot for trade and investment. Tourism and Fe
Stricter penalties:
• 75 years old free travel Nagaland bus.
• Not all but some people are not amenable to the language of love, politeness, courtesy and
• Yes, it's an absolute mockery to our land and people as well. It's crystal clear that politicians are only contesting elections for personal gain and nothing e