Yes:• Yes, the Nagaland government must not only urge but must write a strong letter of protest against this unreasonable decision of the Home Ministry to impose the PAP on Nagaland. Th
Yes: No: • The Nagaland government is still unable to provide the basic fire-fighting and safety gears to the personnel of Nagaland Fire and Emergency Services (NFES). In the
• Honestly, there was nothing really out of the ordinary in Nagaland. In fact, the only obvious thing is that the powerful are getting more powerful and the rich are getting richer. The
Yes: • Kisama Naga heritage village is also part of infrastructural development• The Government of Nagaland's (GON) initiative to develop Kisama as a hub f
Yes: • Yes, given circumstances created by COVID. But it should be a onetime measure, not permanent.• Yes it is needed very much as COVID lockdown has affe
Yes• Yes, very much selective. RIIN is actually meant to protect the indigenous people of Nagaland. However, the Home department notification after the Cabinet resolution was totally s
Economic factors-lack of job opportunities: • The syllabus and curriculum is still preparing the educated youth for clerical jobs instead of the changing dynamics of the time.Educa
Yes: • Reservation should not be seen as a poverty alleviation program. Pocket wise reservations should be introduced for all the tribes. The benefits of the reservation are not pe
Yes: • Yes, times have changed, it should be allowed.• Any "producing industry" in Nagaland had failed miserably, given the choice, at least "extracting in
Yes:No: • No. Officials/staff are not aware of all the standard operating procedures. Infrastructure and equipment/ vehicles etc required for preparation and response to weather/ c
Yes:• Government of Nagaland has definitely received the funds and used it for building private holiday infrastructure under Politics Khelo self-reliant scheme. Their results are white
Yes:• Nagas are professional head hunters.No: • With NSCNs and the local politicians monopolizing the existing system for their relatives and children, whe
State Government and officials:• When it comes to Public Works, the State government must be held responsible. The blame cannot be put on the contractors and the public. The government
Yes:• The government does not have the will or the desire to curb the illegal taxation. As for falling on deaf ears? They don’t have ears to hear the public plea only ears to hear the
Road and Infrastructure:• Infrastructure is a broad term and actually includes or touches all points here. Dimapur is in need of proper roads and working drainage system. Footpath cum n
Yes:• Yes, the line between Personal and Public has become very blurred. It is distressing to see how social media is breaching into the area of Personal and violating the personal righ
• One disturbing trend during the recently concluded elections was the talking point by the politicians during canvassing that the voters should vote for the ruling party or the party o
• We can never have free and fair elections as long as the UGs are interfering at the behest of politicians in many parts of rural areas and small towns in the state. Many a times, vill
Yes:• Yes. There were hardly any women in local bodies before. Now, with women reservation, it's assured that one third of elected members i.e. decision makers in local bodies will be w