Do you agree with the HPC’s move to make COVID-19 complete vaccination certificate mandatory for inter-state/inter-district travel in Nagaland? Why?

Some of those who voted YES had this to say:  
•    Yes. This is a very practical and sound decision taken by the Nagaland government. Many states in India have already taken such a decision with the view to control inter-district spread. The Covid vaccine has made an impact in many countries as it is helping to control the devastation of Covid. I think the Covid vaccination certificate will be made compulsory in many countries.

•    Not for inter-district but inter-state should be mandatory is what I feel.

•    Whether you like it or not, government will make it mandatory without which we may be restricted to yes

•    Vaccination is the only way forward to bring back normalcy. Our society needs to accept the harsh reality of this pandemic and cannot continue to live in denial. Data are clear that fully vaccinated Covid deaths are miniscule. If a person neither wants to get vaccinated nor get tested then such person should better stay home and avoid getting exposed and perhaps avoid infecting others.

•    I agree with GoN –HPC’s in this regard, look at our state and people handling and response to the Covid-Crisis. As we cannot rely on the present-day Government, we too, have to take the share of our own lethargy in able to make things better. From stigmatizing those who were infected, and not bothering, how they were infected in the first place, community transmission is already happening! Vaccination is the only cure, for now; let us leave the religious apocalypse talks for the latter days. We as a name-sake Christian state, even then we have to utilize our creator-gifted sense of thinking and doing the right thing. Our society needs to evolve in every aspect, intellectually, spiritually, morally, religiously, and as a people. Let's stop giving space to uninformed knowledge, let’s start educating ourselves, knowing is not enough. By doing the right thing, which is getting vaccinated and making well-informed choices, a community that can work together can overcome things together. So, a vaccination certificate has to be mandatory for inter-state/inter-district travel in Nagaland, and most importantly the agencies, districts, villages, towns, and institutions should also be able to provide it with efficiency for smooth functioning of its people.

•    It is a practical step towards monitoring the safety protocols and ensuring the safety of the citizens.

Some of those who voted NO had this to say: 
•    We don't get over crowded everyday every time and does not get visitors from outer parts of the country nor foreigners like others. Unless we go outside our state, why are we trying to suffer ourselves inside our state? Do we have enough rations or facilities like others? Who will look after all the farmers till then? Who will take 100% responsibility for this? Please let's have some civic senses in this.

•    Because of the fact that on one hand they say that taking vaccine is personal voluntary decision but on the other they are indirectly forcing people to take vaccine.

•    Because the vaccine is useless.

•    It is against human rights. Every human being has the right to decide what to do with their body or how to receive treatment. Moreover, the vaccine at this stage is still experimental and is also not mandatory. I think the law is clear on this matter.

•    There are true contraindications to the vaccine. All who have already had infection have superior immunity and also have more dangerous side effects if vaccine is taken. Covishield vaccine in many countries is restricted to over 40 -50 age group due to risk of adverse reactions such as clotting.

•    We are Christian and we believe in God. There are two sides of the coin which is universal. Wrong to make it mandatory.

•    In my opinion this is silly. There are some who are not willing to take the vaccine. Because some are getting infected even after getting vaccinated. So what is the big deal? Are we going to let this piece of paper control our lives? Therefore, vaccination certificate should not be made mandatory for travelling or anything.

•    Because it will negate the government's proclamation that it is voluntary. No vaccination should and can be made mandatory/compulsory. Even some Courts have expressed their opinions through pronouncement of judgments that vaccination is not compulsory. Union Health Ministry has clarified that “Vaccination for Covid-19 is voluntary” (sourced from

•    Support healthy life with natural immune.

•    Everyone has the right to make their own decision. So, they shouldn't force everyone to get vaccinated.

•    In the first place, to vaccinate or not is our personal choice. It's our fundamental rights under Article 14, 19 and 21. It's a threat to our human rights. Requesting your esteem daily paper to fight against it. Even Guwahati High Court has given the verdict basing on that article mention above.  So definitely No to it. On humanitarian ground HPC should not enforce the public and revoke the order that has been issued. Even after completion of 2nd dose of complete vaccination it's not guaranteed that you will not be infected or transmitting to others.

•    It’s against the very ethic of the constitution.

•    Unprecedented.

•    Because it isn't even proved to be effective and people still die though being vaccinated. There's no need for this... one should be given freedom to take decisions and not forced to do stuffs... unnecessarily wasting time.

•    Democratic constitution on citizenship liberty.

•    No one should be forced to take the vaccine on any ground. It should be purely on voluntary basis. As some people might have other health issues and maybe undergoing medication, which after taking vaccine, might possibly have adverse effect in some cases.

•    No Christian in a Christian State has the authority to compel, overrule against someone feelings, mentality and physically.

•    It should purely be on voluntary basis.

•    Seriously are you guys out of your mind??? This is not necessary at all because it's not scientifically proven safe and it’s still on human trial. Even if it’s safe or whatever no one has the right to force someone to take it! It should be free will.

•    Vaccinated individual can still get and transmit the virus hence, the requirement of masks and various preventive behaviour. Moreover, with new variant each week and vaccines becoming less effective; vaccines might become a tool of providing false sense of security.

•    Vaccine not easily available for all the general public of society.

•    Big no ... no one can take away our reasonable personal liberty.

•    No. Because the Covid vaccines (only some) are being approved only for Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Moreover, taking jab is voluntary and so if they allow only vaccinated people to travel (inter-district/inter-state) then it's indirectly forcing people to take vaccination which is contrary to the so called ‘Voluntary vaccination’. Encouraging people to vaccinate is fine if it's for the greater good but no one should force others to do so.

•    A big no, no one has the right to force ones liberty.

•    No. I am not going to let anybody to use my body for trail.

•    Absolutely No they have no right to do that...!!

•    No. This is directly or indirectly, the way of pressurizing the people for vaccination.

•    No! And it will be no... Because that's indirectly taking the rights away from the people.

•    High Power Comedy.

•    No...If so, what about the ones who contracted Covid and recovered recently n is not vaccinated yet as Covid recovered ones are advised to take d vaccine after 3 months only. Wont they be allowed to travel inter district for personal or official works?

•    No. It's an illogical decision. Although I agree that People should come forward to getting vaccinated, this Order should come into effect only after few months or so, if not for now, 1st dose can be made Mandatory.

•    No... Its stupidity manifested, to say the least.

•    Big no. Because it's knowingly implement satanic rules.

•    I strongly disagree to this statement. With vaccine or without vaccine the virus still exists. It should not be made mandatory.

•    What the unnecessary... No

•    Absolute no for this decision. Making it mandatory is clearly against our basic human rights.

•    This is not Wuhan, Communist China. A big NO!! No one has the right to enforce mandatory vaccinations on anyone. Even I have taken the vaccine, but I don't go around forcing my friends to do it. Individual responsibility is more important than vaccines.

•    A million NO. We had enough of this, better not add anymore.

•    It must be people will... So NOOO

•    We know the policy of government... It's a noooooo

•    Corona has become a business and not a disease... A big No...!!

•    No, vaccination is voluntary not mandatory

•    Chief Secretary has gone crazy.... A big No.

•    Nooo way this should be implemented. Therefore, NO means NO.

•    No!! The vaccine is still on trial stage and it must be administered only who are willing to volunteer. Therefore its certificate cannot be made mandatory as a pass or document proof to anything.

•    This is a big NO... They cannot force us to take vaccine.

•    No... Because nobody go to a hospital for medication if he/she is fine and fit. vaccination don’t guarantee that it will prevent from getting infected or spreading virus, we only heard it is for strong body immunisation ,so why does it has to be mandatory for permit??? It will be not less than doing by force. Totally disagree to these mandatory talks.

•    No, because this vaccine failed in trail conducted by WHO. Unless and until WHO approves it, it should not be made mandatory.

•    NO because it's indirectly forcing people to get vaccinated when in reality getting vaccinated is voluntary and not mandatory. Besides not everyone's situation or condition is the same.. example what if a pregnant lady or people who have severe allergic reactions who is not advised to get the vaccine needs to travel for certain personal reasons or works??

•    BIG NO, it's our will. Don’t Force us to die

•    Corona has become a business and not a disease... A big No!!

•    No. Very strong no.... only 40+yrs old have completed the required doses, but below 40 yrs have not received the second dose as per its span of requirement for second dose and therefore it is never going to be fair for all people since some have not completed the required doses. Stop taking away our freaking rights. This is a violation to human rights. it’s going to be two years yet people still fall for this fake propaganda... common. Man, if it was that deadly we all will be dead by now. Instead to Covid vaccine I suggest the mighty researchers and doctors to find a vaccine or cure for cancer, heart attack and AIDS but no. wait if they find out cure for these diseases the whole pharma company and their puppet doctors will go broke.

•    A very very very big NO. Government can’t steal our liberty. No way.

•    If completed vaccination certificate is made mandatory for inter-district travel then there should be no more need for restriction in any way in our state. If having a completed vaccination certificate is made mandatory for inter-district traveling then it means that we are corona free...and therefore there should be no restriction in any way on any matter... otherwise it is unfair to make it as mandatory for all people.

•    My body my choice big no.

•    Government takes back your words... A big no

•    It is stupid to bar anyone from traveling for work or for their own livelihood. It is against article 21 of the constitution. Doesn't the HPC know that even the fully vaccinated people can transmit the virus to a non-vaccinated person? People who have had 2 doses are coming down with the virus again. I just hope the global elites gold bags have not reached their pockets. There seems to be a cut for those toying the line of the giant pharmaceuticals. They are ruling the world it seems... The Bible says for by their sorceries (pharmakea) was the whole world deceived. Rev 18:23

•    No. Whether we get vaccinated or no. Until we don't take the precautions this Covid will still go on. And so there's no need that vaccine should be made mandatory

•    No I don't agree because it's a personal choice to take or not. How can someone force to take medicine which I don't like to take. It’s my health my life so it's my wish. And how can they say that only vaccinated can travel. If so what about during emergency visits. If something happen can they bring back to life? I don't think it's a good idea.

•    A big No. They don't have the right to that.

•    No, no no no no!! Not all!!! Everybody has their own choice henceforth this certificate should be 

•    To the Morung Express... Thousands of people here commenting a big NO, please kindly publish this article in the state media which you have now, it's true, vaccination is voluntary not mandatory, and forcing people to get vaccination this way is out of human rights, this is too much, not everyone is suitable for vaccination, some have serious allergies while some cannot because of some underlying cause, therefore this should be publicized to educate our corrupted, uneducated and conservative people, public and leaders. Kindly do something on this

•    No, nobody could control my life.

•    If vaccination is voluntary, why vaccination certificate is mandatory? 

•    1. One committee cannot make any decision/implement self-styled law, which is purely under the drafted constitution of its country. 2. The Indian courts concluded that it could not find any legal or constitutional basis to justify “mandatory or forceful vaccination”.

•    NO!! Everyone has their own right. Government leaders should know that it's not from your will that people will live or die; the human lives are in the hands of our Almighty God.


•    No because that's indirect way of enforcing compulsory vaccination.

•    No means No. Liberty of choice should be granted!

•    A big fat no. It’s not even 1 dose but we have to take both the dose. After we take the 1st dose it will take us 81 days which is nearly 3 months.

•    Never agree. Because the bible says search God, when world comes to end. Life will face many kind of problems, there is not written to take vaccine in bible but there is written search Him, turn to him. So we are totally disagreeing with this because forcing someone to take vaccine is not good work its evil works. We are Christians, we are holy.

•    No...! Who knows after 4-5 years if the vaccine side effects starts, who willl take the responsibility, even our government will run away, everyone will get into trouble. In this critical situation we've to think 100 times & take the correct decision. Please don't force our people to vaccinate

•    No. It seems like pressurizing the people for vaccination.

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 
•    Nagas are not very discipline. We have seen this in the first and second wave. Even after so many people have died to Covid, we still see many people who have no regard in taking precaution. This decision taken by the HPC is a first step. But can the government implement it. This is a big question.

•    I am vaccinated but still a potential carrier of infection so what's the point!?!

•    If certain exceptions are given then I would agree with the certificate thing. As said, people who have allergies can't get vaccinated. So, allergy prone people can't study abroad or travel inter-state? That would be complicated. I stand at neutral

•    Vaccination of any kind at any point of time is a need to thwart the preventable and life threatening outcome that an infection of any kind will bring in one’s life. If by vaccination, in this ongoing viral pandemic, one can travel from one place to another without putting oneself in harm while also negating the possibility of being a carrier, one should seriously consider getting the jab after a thorough and detailed health check up with the right awareness. When even frontline workers, who haven't taken the jabs owing to circumstances best known to them or lack of proper awareness, are allowed to turn up for work and travel, the common man whose livelihood is dependent on travelling from one destination to another should not be forced to stay put in one place just for the want of a vaccination and placing them in the ever growing global pandemic of poverty and unemployment. There has been and will be more deaths owing to the everyday reality of poverty and unemployment than from a disease pandemic that is not an everyday reality. If the social structure here in Nagaland allows an individual to be unemployed and still survive owing to the well wishes of the state or from near and dear ones or philanthropists, the HPC's directive is very much in line with such a possibility. The state government exists due to us and they have put in place administrations to take care of our well being on an everyday basis and as such, if they provide guidelines for our wellbeing while they themselves have a secured source of livelihood, we are but under obligation to heed to their advices and survive whichever way we can. When immunisations world over are based on doses at varied intervals with no impositions to seek for livelihood, we can all but keep guessing what a complete Covid-19 immunisation is and if the HPC has figured that out, we can all but respect and adhere to their guidelines.

•    Make it for inter-state but big NO for inter-district.

•    First don’t make Vaccination compulsory.

•    Useless and baseless statements.

•    It is not mandatory nuh?

•    I don't know the situation that clearly. But I think the vaccine is still under emergency use purposes and not a verified or certified vaccine and if that's so. It will be absurd to make it mandatory to all. People should have freedom to go with their own choices. Anyway, I'm taking the vaccine tomorrow because I kind of believe in it but just follow your heart.

•    Travel if you have your own private vehicle like us officials but with a complete vaccination only. This seems to be the directive from the HPC for the general public when only a handful has received their second dose of the vaccine so far which by no means should be considered the final dose in this Covid-19 pandemic. So far, the haves have had to deal with inconvenience with convenience while the have not’s have had to deal the inconvenience with more and more inconvenience. HPC- Highly Private Convenience, I suppose is the reason behind the formulation of policies.