Should Nagas follow one common Naga script?

Some of those who voted  yes had this to say:
•    Sadly, there is no script in Nagas history and none invented one till date. I'd love to learn and write in Naga script someday.
•    That will be a binding force of the Naga family
•    It will be able to express one feeling and thought to be more united.
•    One nation one father one language one script.
•    Yes, that will make things easier for everybody. Using Nagamese or English to communicate with fellow Nagas are at times embarrassing.
•    Yes for a Naga script only if the script is based on Roman English script. The few proposed scripts that have come out looks more like Bengali, Assamese or Hindi, and I don’t think this represents our Naga script or culture at all. The fact is that Nagas don’t have a script. So having a script is good for Naga civilization, but please for God sake don’t make it look like Bengali or Hindi or so on. Why not the Naga script is based on the Roman English script, which we are all familiar with. Lets not Indianize Naga script. 
•    Nagas, leaving aside the various divisions under it, it will gd 2 ve a common script.
•    Yes, we should have a common Naga script once we have a common Naga language (not nagamese). Else what is the purpose? We will be able to read or write and understand only our dialect even if we have a new script (which is the case now also), so why complicate things by introducing an unnecessary script which will not help us understand other tribal dialect and instead create more confusion. So YES, if only we can understand each other by having only one Naga dialect.
•    Its great to have our own Naga script which can be one of the unperishable ties among Naga people unrelated by tribal affiliation and regional allegiances that imparts oneness, unity, cultural bonds, affinity of minds, mutual understanding and respect. But the one that appeared in local dailies some time ago by an obscure person claiming to be divine revelation isn’t the one. I find it interesting. Anyway, if there is a growing consensus of opinion among the Nagas on this novel issue, then I may suggest that through the initiatives of Naga civil societies under the auspices of Government would set up an expert committee on Naga script on a permanent basis with the prospect of upgrading it to a Naga script study center in the future. Yes, by coming across those unique scripts of different races and people around the world at times makes me feel inferior as a result of non-existence of the script of our uniquely diverse race of Nagas.   
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
•    No, it is not necessary because the question of bringing a common script requires highly qualified individuals having sound knowledge in the study of language in scientific form and must be an etymologist as well as a phonologist. The real complication lies how to use the script and in what form either in nagamese form or tribal language form and for this consensus among different tribe linguist will be required. Therefore instead of developing a different scripts of our own it will be less complicated if we put extra script in English alphabet to suit our local tribal language. 
•    No, Script is a code. Having one new common script may seem brilliant, buts its the information in the code that matter. And this new code may limit the actual meaning of the information especially if it represent a new language. 
•    I dont see the need for a new script because I am deeply discouraged by some of the Naga scripts that have been developed over the years. I personally feel that instead of working on a new script which seems confusing right now, it is better to follow the Roman script, and focus on a common Naga language. Rather than a common script, I would encourage a common language.
•    No, better things to do than developing and learning a new script for use within 20 lakhs population. Lets go global.
•    No way. It will look like telling the stone not to sink, and moreover its too late and unimaginable also.
•    It is like Nicodemas asking Jesus if he needs to go inside his mother's womb to be born again. No, it won't help as we have a host of other issues to deal with.
•    It will be like the days of BABEL tower. It will create more confusions than solving them. Nagas will never be able to have one common script or for that matter, a common language like the Mizos.
•    No, the present script that we have now is the best for the Nagas. Those who prefer the new Naga script are two centuries late. 
•    How will our brothers in arms going to extort, steal, kidnap, tax, and ransack together? who will get the lions share? Will a common script or a common Order from their Bosses do any differences? Ha!! extortion with a common theme!
•    Just get the idea out from our Nagas mindset. It will do more harm than good. Becos nagas will again fight for the Lions share of contributing to the new script.
•    Of all the things that Nagas cannot do away with, having a common script is next to impossible. Its lyk telling an Ao fella to make Semas AQONE.
•    How can Nagas have one script? Even in this scenario, ISM will creep in as to whose tribe plays the dominant role. We Nagas are gud for nothing.
•    It is utterly nonsense to even concoct such an idea. Why will Nagas need a script of its own, when we never had before? Just drop the idea.
•    Will a Sema and An Angami be able to read and write Arabic language? Its the same here.
•    Nagas were never one. Will never be one. Will stay as it is. Dont change anything. Atleast these much differences and trouble is enuff.
•    how certain are we that we have a script?
•    It is not at all a good idea to have a common script for the Nagas.We have come up to such a stage tat its not practicle. Its better tat we stick to our official language ENGLISH.
•    Do Nagas have nothing to do, that we needed to conceive the idea of having a common script? What good will it bring to the Nagas? Practically it is impossible and Nagas have so much to do than making a script common to all.
•    First let these Undergrounds make peace and become one. Then we can think of the idea. Otherwise, its not an issue to be pursued.
•    because i believe that it is full of nonsense.
•    Now that the underground brothers have pledge to extort and kill together, we do not need the common script. It will not stop them from collecting taxes for just shitting in ur own bathrooms.
•    It will create havoc among the literature boards of all the tribal units. The better way to end this is to forget the idea.
•    Nagas should follow only the Roman script as is being done at present. There is no point trying to force youngsters into learning a plagiarized form of the Bengali/Assamese script.
•    No, Nagas cannot accept non-existent concoction and call it script. Wisdom says universal script is best.  

Some of those who voted OTHERS   had this to say:
•    Do we have one??
•    I support a common language, but first lets develop our own existing languages first and then it will be easier to work on a common language. 
•    Yes but with the consent of all the tribes
•    What Nagas need is a common language and not a common script. To have a common script is not feasible or realistic at this time. However it is not too late to develop a language based on the present English alphabets that we use with some moderation. Nagas should promote their own village and tribe languages and than on top of it we should have a common language which can be the medium of communication among different Naga tribes.
•    It is not necessary for Nagas to have a common language, but what we need to have is an official language. I support the use of Nagaenglish. I think it will not be wrong to turn English to Nagaenglish, this is the best option that we have now and it will be the most effective. 

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