Is bifurcation of Government departments contributing to disorganized and unsystematic implementation of development work in Nagaland? How?



Some of those who voted YES had this to say: 

•    Yes, bifurcation of department is done just to avail funds for politicians, bureaucrats technocrats, middle men… etc and not for the development of the state in actual sense! Public representatives and servants are mostly Corrupted thieves. They are selfish and self centered. Bifurcation is for creating space for these people!?


•    Yes. Only in our beloved state we see one department undoing the work of the other. Just outside our house in Duncan Basti, first the footpath was made, then within a very short time the footpath was broken up so that the drains can be made. This shows utter confusion and each department is doing their own thing without coordinating with the other. This is double expenditure.


•    Yes. Departments are being bifurcated in an attempt to distribute and share plump departments to the legislators. This adversely affects the governance.


•    Yes, some work which should be done under one department is now facing communication gap because the department has not been bifurcated into two. 


•    Yes, we have so many examples where this has become an utter nuisance. After many years of negligence, when the road has more or less been completely worn off, the concerned department comes to do some maintenance. But soon after that the power or telephone company comes tearing up the road to lay down cables. They end up destroying what another department has build. In the end its the public who suffer. It seems like our state government cannot even coordinate between departments. What a shame!


•    Yes. more cluttered working.


•    Yes, all this is done to get more funds but they don’t think about how to implement the work. In the end the work is unimplementable. 


Some of those who voted NO had this to say: 

•    No. Communication or lack of is the likely causative factor of unprofessional and haphazard implementation of development work.


Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 

•    The whole system in Nagaland is messed up. There must be a major overhauling of the system. Nothing will change unless the system is cleaned up.


•    I think this is much more complicated since it involves many issues. The problem of bifurcation is a serious one because it is often done randomly at the top level for the sake of accommodation of portfolios. There is hardly any proper consultation at the departmental level and so many problems crop up. 


•    Rather some depts. should be divided into separate offices.


•    When we have incapable leaders what do you expect?


•    System of functioning is screwed up. Proper planning and allocation of departments and resources is the need of the hour. 


•    We live in a kushi-kushi land where everyone does things according to their own wimp and fancies. I am sorry to say we do not have a working system in our state. It is in shambles. There is no political will to clean up the mess.