Kohima, February 15 (MExN): In the run up to the forthcoming 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly, General Election 2023, the Chief Electoral Office of Nagaland has informed all the political parties’ presidents to submit the list of their star campaigners.
The CEO in a press release stated that as of now, 11 political parties have submitted a list of 299 star campaigners and their name list are available with the CEO’s office. The number of star campaigners of political parties are: BJP-40, NDPP-40, NPF-40, NPP-40, INC-37, NEDF-20, JD (United)-20, RJD-20, NCP-18, LJP (Ram Vilas)-15 and RPP-9. The CEO has further informed all the political parties to adhere the guidelines of the ECI in regards to star campaigners.