8th Nagaland Online Chess Tourney held

Top three Open Category Winners from left to Right: 1st Khoveto Vero, 2nd Mughaho Awomi, 3rd Sourav Singh.
Top three Open Category Winners from left to Right: 1st Khoveto Vero, 2nd Mughaho Awomi, 3rd Sourav Singh.
Top three Open Category Winners from left to Right: 1st Khoveto Vero, 2nd Mughaho Awomi, 3rd Sourav Singh.

Top three Open Category Winners from left to Right: 1st Khoveto Vero, 2nd Mughaho Awomi, 3rd Sourav Singh.

Dimapur, June 6 (MExN): The 8th Nagaland Online Tourney Online Open Chess Tournament was successfully held on June 6 with the participation of 48 players of all ages, categories, and genders.

It was organised by Yanpothung Ezung, President, Lotha Youth Hoho under the aegis of Nagaland Chess Association (NCA), a press release from the association informed. 

The tournament was played on Lichess platform, an open-source Internet chess server, with Blitz time control games, and the maximum time given was three minutes, it said. 


First Nagaland Women Online Open tourney 

NCA further informed that under its patronage some members of the “Nagaland Chess Enthusiasts” Whatsapp group would be organizing the First Nagaland Women Online Open Chess Tournament on June 13. 

In this connection, the Association requested  all the female chess players of the state to be a part of the “historic making” amidst COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown period. 

“It is hoped that female chess players in Nagaland will excel at the local, regional, national, and international levels by bringing laurels to the State and Nation,” it said. 

Interested players have been informed to contact 7005580145, 9612866445, or 7005458265 for registration.

The NCA expressed its gratitude to the concerned sponsor besides to all the winners and players for their intense participation and cooperation in making the event come to a meaningful conclusion. 


Open Senior Category 
Top 5
Under-16 Category
Top 5
Women (Open Category)
Top 4
1st Khoveto Vero 1st  Pulonito Hesso 1st  Shabnam Singh
2nd Mughaho Awomi 2nd  Kunvuto Awomi 2nd  Lemsula Sangtam
3rd Sourav Singh 3rd  Manas Sharma 3rd  Tsesam
4th  Salhuto Nyekha 4th  Vidhan Sethi 4th  Rose Haikam
5th  Vikiye Sheqi 5th  Kiana R  


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