TS Keyho is new NNC president
DIMAPUR, SEPTEMBER 25 (MExN): In a surprising turn of events, the Tatar Hoho and the executive council of the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) unanimously resolved to withdraw the support to the leadership of Retd Gen Thinoselie M Keyho as NNC president.
In his place, the FGN Tatar Hoho and executive, during a joint executive meeting held at Khulazu Basa village on September 23, elected vice president TS Keyho as the new president.
Citing reasons for the move, a press release received from the FGN speaker, Künüchosa Rhakho alleged that Retd Gen Thinoselie has been “dictatorially encroaching the executive power of the Kedaghe” and without any consent and advice of the Tatar Hoho, forcefully demanded the resignation of Vekronü Dozo, Kedahge, FGN on August 23, which is in violation of the Yezahbo under Article 23 (a).
The FGN maintained that NNC is a political institution and the president has no right to elect or terminate the Kedahge since this post is elected by the Tatar Hoho and without its consent, no individual has been vested with the authority to terminate or elect the Kedahge. The house also unanimously elected Tsorisa Nusory as vice president, NNC.
Retd Gen TM Rhakho elected FGN Kedahge
Meanwhile, another press release from FGN informed that the Tatar Hoho during its meeting held on September 23 consented to the request of Vekronü Dozo to step down as Kedahge on health grounds and in his place elected Retd Gen TM Rhakho to the post.
As such, all proceedings of the government and the administration shall be directed under the name and seal of the incumbent- Retd Gen TM Rhakho, Kedahge, FGN, the press release notified.