L. Suohie Mhasi
Humankind without relationship with the Creator and Lord of the heaven and the earth is a mere animal morally and spiritually. Human life is incomplete without relationship with God and the natural law of human relationship with God which is human ethics towards God is “ KNOW GOD, BELIEVE IN HIM, FEAR HIM AND OBEY HIM.”
It is not religion and it is the only avenue where the people of all social and religious backgrounds can meet together and share opinions together about how to have relationship with God and closer relationship among humankind without any barrier. It is a universal ethics towards God which reflects closer relationship among humankind. So acknowledging it is only way of bringing about freedom from religious intolerance and all anti-human sentiments and it will be really a process of healing the world.
God said, “ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and second greatest commandment. And the second is, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” (Bible). This is human ethics towards God and towards humankind. Any religion or ritualism without human ethics towards God and towards humankind is vain.
It is not a written ethics with ink but it is written on the heart of all humankind. It was human ethics towards God and human ethics towards humankind that separated humankind between the inhabitants of the world and the family of Noah during the great flood. It causes God’s grace or his wrath.
This is a matter of verity and there is nothing which can prevent men and women from acknowledging it except ignorance or arrogance. If this reality is acknowledged and accepted as the guidance and foundation of human life , the world will experience overcoming many hurdles to peace.