Dimapur, November 23 (MExN): The Sumi Hoho held its annual general session on the 21st where certain resolutions were made. The session after thorough deliberation took certain points to resolution. In regard to Intangki, the Hoho stated that the area is very much under Nagaland and the ownership of the land in question is with the “Nagas of Nagaland”. No “outsiders” should be allowed to deprive the inherent rights of the “Nagaland Nagas” under any circumstance, a copy of the resolutions from the Hoho’s executives stated. Terming the eviction of Inavi village by the NSCN-IM as “irrational” the session condemned the outfit’s action. The Hoho also fully endorsed the peace initiative taken by the joint forum of GBs and DBs for reconciliation and unity of all underground factions in Nagaland.